
Ahh, like don’t let your self consciousness smack you in the rear on your way out. Like Harron W, do you know what a Harron is? I was at a park lake and saw this majestic Harron who did not fit in with the rest of the bird population. I admired the bird’s beauty, put my children in the car and went back to stare at

Nothing wrong with getting old. Some of the tastiest veggies are on the low glycemic index. Make it an adventure and new chapter in your life. Go to the Asian grocery store and buy vegetables you never heard of but look enticing. Steam them and do a quick stir fry in a butter and Ponzu sauce. Knock your socks off.

I hate violence mixed with sexual coercion. My best friend was raped and held at knife point at 17 yrs old in her own home in her own bed. She pointed out her assailant in a police line up with 10 or 11 other men. She testified in court while having to look at her rapist through the corner of her eye and keep her

I want to be sarcastic, but this just hits too close to home. Let him grieve and be petty and pretend that foreigners are greedy and use Americans for their own selfish needs. He is too hurt to be logical and considerate. Don’t judge him for feeling used. Give him time. I married a Canadian who was kicked out of the

I adore him. I think he evolved as a person so beautifully, so profoundly. I was so saddened by his death. I know ppl ask who would you have a conversation with given the chance. They expect you to answer with a pop culture icon or important figurehead. All I can think about is George Michael and Dolores O’Riordan.

Nothing says reverence like face glitter. She died and they panicked. They had no life skills, they had no call a friend, they had no my mom taught me this when I was young. They were like clueless toddlers in adult bodies. At least they did not desecrate her body. Ignorance is not a crime, but it is alarming

I know, I think it would be super fun to live in an anti-utopian society that puts the needs of the people before a handful of rich elites. Where can I sign up for this oppressive society? I would love to be oppressed and give my money to ppl I believe in and care about. I think this hypothesis needs time to mature. A

I actually don’t hope he dies. That would cement his legacy as a martyr. I don’t know if the Republican leaders hope he just dies and goes away or they are kinda afraid of standing on their own principles. He deserves to live long enough to be criticized, ostracized and humiliated by his teenage son. Nothing hurts

I f*cking hate the name Amber! It is so unfair because it is a pretty name and I have met many nice Ambers after evil 9th grade Amber. You are right about time giving you a different perspective. If evil 9th grade Amber popped up in my life 8 yrs after high school, I would be on a crusade to crush her. Now, I know she

Neither, you got no closure. Death did not erase the hurt you endured.  Death did not allow you to have a glimpse of compassion for this girl who had her own demons. It still bugs you. Make peace, you deserve it, she deserves it. 

What is a haunting song that pulls you in and makes you listen? This song does not have to be your favorite or even your preferred musical genre. A song that grips you and time stops for a little while. Share. For me, it is Talk Talk, "It's My Life". 

Cashiers commenting on your purchases is an oddly emotional transaction. I had a male cashier at Target hold up and look at me with a puzzled expression on his face, a box of O.B. tampons with no applicators and loudly pronounced he never knew tampons came with no applicators. I was like 23 when it happened. I was not

It is hard to stomach, but I have listened to a few Evangelical snake oil salesmen, and you would be a bit surprised at how much they focus on the evil Jezebels of the world. You already know they are misogynistic, but you don’t really know the depths of their hatred of women until you listen to a 2 hour sermon. Men

I don't know if the shipping costs would be astronomical, but check out Old Navy.

You are a very complex person and I think you underestimate your appeal. This might sound crazy, but I think you should start writing in a journal your ordinary experiences, with the emotional internal dialog. Sometimes you are very emotionally adept and sophisticated and sometimes you are so sweet and innocent. I

I read your post and thought... Tonight, living in reality. I have a MIL who has some absolutely wonderful traits, but is also a full blown narcissist and can turn on you for the smallest grievances. The pettiness of the narcissist can be astounding. Two years ago, at her birthday dinner, my husband was passing his

“Lolita” quickly comes to mind. Her mom could have prevented all the harm that was inflicted on her daughter if she could just muster a little courage. Nope, instead her narcissistic loser inner voice was her demise and left her daughter with a deranged child abuser. Maybe a little too much? "Throw Mama from the

Good differentiation. My mom lives 30+ miles from civilization. If I go to the “convenience” store near her house, the best I can get is a pre-established turkey cheese “hoagie” that has wilting pre shredded lettuce that looks like something barely edible. It is a monstrosity. I tell my mom, I will cook for you. It is

He likes what he likes. Can’t blame him for having impeccable Easteren European tastes. Borscht is a set of taste buds that come from The Mother Land. Russian is beyond fucked up, but delicious food. Russians love all cultures . Russian/ Black is one of the most beautiful combinations on Earth. Black Russians are some

Yikes, a riple of weird emotions. I am a weirdo who has 1 drink and can not stop thinking about being with my children and engaging in their imaginative worlds. I drink and leap into a child’s world. I have 1 or 2 drinks (super low alcohol tolerance) and become my boys’ best friend. My boys know they are the center of