
It is hard to ask a legitimate, yet gut wrenching question when you are not raising children. Your friends took the easy way out, “ How can YOU understand when you are childless?It is not about children, it is about valuing the critical thinking of the woman who bore children. I think you should try again with a

I don’t think the patriarchy counts on women drinking, it is just one of the main ways men have coped for most of humankind. What I find historically interesting, is for a huge chunk of American history, women did not drink or if they did, it was extremely infrequently. Women were held in high regard as Pillars of

It is a maddening, yet a legitimate question. Where did this come from? Douglas, both my spouse and my father have antibodies for Hepatitis A. More than likely they got it from drinking bad well water. My spouse grew up on a pig farm 20 minutes North of Regina, Saskatchewan. My dad moved 21 times before he was 18 and

Thank you, Pumpkin beautiful Andy! I make comments to ppl on this site because they pull me in. They make me want to commit to their position and invest in their future. I am fully invested in your future. You are someone that i am very invested in how you evolve and the thought process behind your decision making.

I know, like I think it would be less painful to see his ass than his face. Weirdly, the first comparison that comes to mind is Jeffree Star. I was on LipstickAlley sometime ago when a commenter compared Star to a reanimated corpse. Mitch aka Corpsey as he is known by his make up artist crew, must have an exhausting

There are three types of self-proclaimed do-gooders that really raise a red flag and make me trust my gut as a woman over my “rational” brain. The first is the person you described, the person fixated on being a good person. The second is the person who is preoccupied with your sins and you being a sinner. As if minor

Julia, I read your first paragraph and I had a weird full body flash sweat. PTSD is a real fucking thing. In my early 20s, I was really getting into working out and got a professional trainer and was pushing myself to find my physical limits. I was starting to love my body, not because of my size or weight loss, but

Man, I wish I could remember the term for the person who can take a few factual/believable memories and weave them into a fictional narrative. They give you just enough believable parts to pull you in and make you doubt yourself. I had one grandmother who was a master at this type of deception. Problem was she was

I share your sentiment. I want see what she becomes. Stacey is coming to full bloom. It is so exciting to see someone become what you see in them. 

Yeah, I am going to name a buttload of female tennis and golf athletes you never heard of, you narrow minded prick. Also, I am going to name all my girlfriends in Varisty soccer, basketball, volleyball, water polo, swim,tennis, cross country, cheerleading and dance. They were some of the most phenomenal athletes I

Oddly and unfortunately, I have listened to many interviews with him on Fox ( spouse has this weird affinity for Fox, tells me he likes to get worked up and angry). He is funny and engaging and kinda charming. He does not even bash Dems like some of his party members. He would not talk badly about Hunter Biden because

Yeah, he really did not do his homework. One of the main reasons she resonates so deeply even though she does not hold an elected position, is she is engaging and smart and someone you want to secretly ask questions about how Democracies operate. I like her because she believes in a Republic that values it’s citizens.

Why are we so threatened by women’s autonomy? Why is the woman who puts her faith in her own decision making cause for such uproar and fear? I know the simple answer, misogyny. I want to know the complicated answer. One answer that always made me grit my teeth was a woman will grow to deeply regret it and it will

More like, “ I got mine and if you follow my 161 steps to success, you will too.” I will need your checking, savings, 401k, rainy day fund money market and inheritance funds upfront to unlock the secrets of my greatness. Don’t worry, with my guidance, you will be successful beyond your greatest dreams. And of course,

The Boudoir Carpeting made me think, oh they make trash bags you can wear. Very convenient, no worries about eating a Chicago hot dog or a Bavarian pretzel with 2 types of mustard. Heck, bring on a third dipping sauce! I will disagree with you on wearing an “actual outfit” in public. I want to know what you wore and

Drag Queens always got under my skin in a way that I did not understand. I love makeup and ultra femininity, but I hate false displays of femininity and bitcheness that serves no purpose. I always felt uncomfortable with men masquerading as women in the most superficial display. Like heavy makeup and a wig does not

Harron, are you a pickle or cucumber gal? No weird sexual inuendos. I think the divide between ppl who love pickles, but kinda hate cucumbers and the ppl who love cucumbers but barely tolerate pickles is one of the great divides in our nation. Very polarizng, yet humble vegetable. Where do you stand?

This is exactly why I tell ppl that I like, don’t let the tail wag the dog (if I don’t like you, I don’t waste my effort). We as a nation are so consumed by ppl taking advantage of the system, that we allow it to dictate our decision making. I did not know you worked at both my son’s favorite eaterie to pay the bills.

Wow, I was stalked for almost a year and it is the reason why I have almost no presence on any social media platform. I went to court and faced my stalker in the flesh and did everything in my power to not have a full blown panic attack. I had a Commisioner undermine and attack my request for a restraining order. She

Jinni, your living space does not deserve your weekends! I love a clean home a lot. It does something incredible to my piece of mind and allows me to focus on the task at hand without being distracted by dirty dishes or a disheveled living space. I only came up with this solution a few weeks ago: Monday evening is