
No, they would come up with an even more crazy conspiracy, like it worsens their condition. Something like before the vaccine my son was verbal and after the vaccine, he is now non verbal. It is like the most cliché revenge movie, there is only one objective, one bad guy, one singular focus. I am not saying ppl can

I use to love Avene, then it just stopped working. Fragrance and essential oils are my skin’s enemies so most product recommendations suck! If you get a chance to check out Is Clinical, I would highly recommend it. Expensive, but it is the only line of products that have not stopped working for me and are not loaded

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You reminded me of Fiddler On the Roof- Sunrise, Sunset for the first time in 10 yrs. Wow, that is cool that your comment reminded me of this remarkable song, though it has nothing to do with this absurd show.

I am totally on the same page with you! Intermittent fasting is really popular right now, but if I waited until 12 or so like a lot of these fasting programs recommend, I would have really bad heartburn and anxiety. If I drink too much coffee in the morning and don’t get enough complex carbs, I also get the weird

That is what I was thinking. She is making a big publicized deal about getting the flu shot? This is her pathetic attempt to make the general population sympathize with her? That ain’t the Covid vaccine. Wow, the thirst is real with this one. 

Thank you for questioning this commenter’s unreasonable passion and sanctimonious outrage. She was not comparing herself to poorly paid farmhands or certified nurses assistants, she was saying  her job sucked. Apples to apples. Jeez, we truly hold women to an unattainable standard. We want women to make all the wrongs

Hmm, I got that a lot growing up, but fortunately not from my mom or dad. I only learned in the last few years to own it. I tell others, yes, I am sensitive and you hit a nerve. I want understand why this makes me so emotional. I can not help caring about what you said. I don’t want to move on and pretend what you

Yes, reliable transportation was critical in 2019. Make it happen. A lot of jobs, especially during and now even after the worst of the pandemic are work-from-home. I work for a Fortune 500 company that would have never considered working remotely permanently and yet, now they are hiring full time employees who are

Honestly, I like it. Coppery orange reminds me of my second son when he was about 6 months old. It is polarizng for sure, but is that important to you, being as neutral as possible? Why not style it nicely and wear a little bit more makeup? My baby is now 3 and went strawberry blonde and is so not into lotion,

I remember a review on Jez about a book on loneliness. It shook me to my core. It was so well written, I read passages over and over. The comments were so needed. I know that sounds weird, but the comments filled in the blanks for me. I remember being teary eyed, not because I was sad, but because I felt tremendous

Yes, but dying is not the right word. It would be like a Genie granting you youthfulness, but in return, you could only express yourself through vapid hot takes and you had to be hyperfocused on the moment. No self reflection, no mindfulness, no why is this important or not important? I use to take an occasional day

Yes, or some offshoot, like I don’t care. I care a lot! I am a caring person. I can not help caring about a lot of topics. Don’t tell me whatever or I don’t care. You do not have to care a lot, but care a little. Caring is what egnights great ideas. Don’t suppress your own humanity.

Oh Julia, first I am so glad that you are out of the greys. Second, you won me over when some meaningful, yet woefully ignorant commenter tried to attack you for being ashamed that most of the mass murders in the US are by white males. I should try to find the thread, it was enlightening. I kinda understood the

Wow, just wow. To not have debt looming over you and suppressing your creative mind. You are free now. Debt, even manageable debt has a way of creeping into your grey matter and shaping your future in a way that is not true to yourself. I think of women as the Original Excel Spreadsheets. We are just so money minded

I just LOLED at your user name and interest in MeMeMeghan’s makeup/hair indentured servant. Snide means derogatory or mocking in an indirect way. She uses her hair/makeup in a snide way. Secondly, and a more compassionate interpretation, she uses her hair and makeup to draw attention away from her body. She has been

It’s pushed down,” said Brown regarding his feelings about his daughter’s death. “I’m keeping it away from me as much as possible because I couldn’t do nothing then and I can’t do nothing now.”

I agree 100% with your assessment. Words change meaning over time, but you can not change the meaning of a word overnight without an uproar and people thinking you have an agenda. This is a remarkable plan to build a Social Safety Net that makes the US put their own ppl first. The word Infrastructure conjures up

Of course I am grey and invisible because Jez finds me to be an unthinkable threat that harms children and says vile things that gives ppl seizures, but I will preserve regardless. Pumpkin is my favorite pie since I was 6. I love it. Orange is NOT my favorite color or even in my top 5. It just does not agree with my

She definitely does not look like a regular person. Lipo can leave some kinda noticeable scars and this girl is not about to have any reminder scars. She is probably a Coolsculpting fanatic. I think she works hard to be fit, but is disgusted by any perceived imperfection. Many years ago, one of my male colleagues met

Court of public opinion is so insidious and almost all of us are guilty of jumping to false conclusions that can be so damaging. We can all be so darn provincial and country bumpkin. What you described about listening and avoiding jumping to conclusions about someone’s innocence or guilt is a learned skill. You should