
Yes, something that shows a little humility and self reflection. It is not about empty platitudes or solely apologizing to ppl you may have offended, it is reevaluating the way you express yourself. If you made a few stupid comments in your youth, then own it and say you were stupid and went for the lowest hanging

Do you recall in George Orwell’s 1984 that the children/teens were the most fanatical? It is interesting that these young ppl think they are doing the right thing by exposing what they perceive as morally questionable, when in reality they are valuing shame over guilt. This is from "Shameful people avoid and

Ppl want some sense of normalcy. That is why Biden was voted in. Biden is not bad, but he is not the best the Democratic party had to provide. Don’t fault idiotic smart ppl for wanting something that felt normal. Republicans voted in Trump because he “felt right “. I will wear a mask in 93° F because I know it is the

I waited until today to respond to you because I was suspicious for a long time about the Bartender and did not want to come off aggressive. I think a back up plan is perfectly fine and that is a defense mechanism that is valid and responsible. The problem I have with making it your first go to is it does not make you

I lost my dog, 03/19. I can barely write this without intense emotional sadness. The anniversary of my grandfather’s death was her physical demise. I adopted her in May of 2008. I was told she was 2 or 3. She was the billboard for animal tragedy. I adopted her and she was ugly and her nipples druped to the floor. She

Unbelievable, what a toxic environment. Julia, I was on the Politics thread a few days ago and someone attacked you and your convictions in a really undermining and dirty way. You stepped up and did not avoid the troll and explained yourself and why your anger could be misread as blaming the white man. You expressed

I will give you a little bit of insight because I work in finance, specifically annuities and mutual funds. Most established financial institutions have software that can take that .01 and divide it evenly amongst 3 beneficiaries. Most forms do not have updated verbiage to support this because forms are long enough

One of the most obvious signs of an insecure person is their fearful reaction/lashing out to anything they perceive to be judgement. You don’t see it because you thought your questions were valid and responsible (and they were). These family situations can be difficult and I know it would be easy for me to give you

Ok, wow that hit hard. I think there was something way more sinister motivating her. It was probably premeditated. She was waiting for the opportunity to harm you and make it look like an act of passion. Did you press charges? 

Good observation. My husband grew up in a small town in Saskatchewan, Canada. Every bully in his grade ended up being a cop. When I went to visit his home town, I felt like I was stuck in a made for TV 80s movie. 

Yeah, a really expensive sarong.

Interesting that she came to mind. I was asking myself the same thing last week. I am very interested in powerful people’s marriages. Why do a lot of ppl adore the Obama family? Because they had/have a loving relationship that you could feel. It even resonated with Republicans (grudgingly). Cuomo tossed her aside like

Yes, I have dealt with this and I am currently with my father in law. The only advice I can give you is stop focusing on the current and the future and start focusing on the past in conversation with your dad. You clearly love him and you are worried, but it does him no good. Reminisce and remind him of beautiful

Wow, how udderly pathetic that their card reader was wacked out. Also, what crappy customer service, the front desk person could have manually inputted your card info. Maybe you dodged a bullet? If their card reader and c/s sucked that badly, maybe the car would have been in really bad shape too? You don’t want to

Your eyes say it all. You radiate happiness. I truly believe that the eyes are the window to allow others to see one’s spiritual and emotional beauty. I am fair with light hair and typically do not look good without makeup in pictures (light eyelashes and eyebrows are not camera friendly). After my first child was

Yes, Hami, you are absolutely correct. I have noticed a huge uptick in profanity coming from women (myself included) that does not really have the intended impact. I am not feigning moral outrage of women’s use of profanity, but we can use language in ways that stun and hit at the gut level. Think about when you call

Makes you wonder of he was trying to keep his own demon at bay? 🤔

Even if wide leg pants look good on someone, try finding shoes that look good with the pants. The shoes never compliment the pants. Exhibit A...

Is there anything comparable to TaskRabbit in Panama? Might be something worth looking in to for a small stream of income that you pick what work you want to bid for.

Ok, this is my go to lunch that takes about 10 minutes and is my no excuse healthy lunch... creamy chicken Ramen, soft scrambled eggs (2) and steamed vegetables. I usually have broccoli, belllpepper, mushrooms and green onion. Invest in a microwave steamer, like this one: