
What is Girl on the run? I will always support what I think makes a difference. Help me understand what you are trying to accomplish. Money does not make everything ok, but it allows smaller voices to have a greater impact. 

I have green eyes, with a speck of hazel in one eye. Green eyes are associated with intensity and intelligence. I only recently noticed how many cats have green eyes. They display all shades of green. You bring out my descriptive language in identifying their eye color. From sea foam green to coastal algae to forest

I agree with Jinni’s perspective. It is all about the subtext of the message. Is it kind and respectful or is it demanding and condescending? Are you using it sparingly or are you using it excessively in the conversation? A lot is lost in translation via email. You really can not pick up on the subtext of the message.

I know speculation can be a real time burglar, but I have some anecdotal evidence supporting that it is probably a good sign they contacted your references. My best friend was a corporate recruiter for 15 years before branching out on her own. She told me that if she felt good about a candidate but needed to make a

Because they are completely delusional. I overheard months ago two very fit women in line at one of my favorite local lunch spots say, " There is no way I could get Covid, I am a runner, healthy ppl don't get Covid." Umm, so you are going to outrun Covid? Wealth, exercise and a good diet does not insulate you from

I work in finance and my meetings tend to be 25 to 45 minutes long and when we were in the office, if a meeting went over 3 minutes, there was someone politely knocking on the door to remind us our time was up. Our whole companies culture shifted a few years ago to have more concise and less frequent meetings. A very

Ppl are so complex. So you did not exhibit the appropriate emotions for the gender you identify with for your ex to give you credit for? Sorry, his problem. He wants you to be the torch bearer for him to come to terms with his discomfort with gender identity. You do you, boo. He will come around when he is ready. You

Good for you for believing in your gut instinct. Abusers are emotional vampires. You have to believe in your own experiences. Narcissistic takers will suck the life out of you. High and dry is not a badge of honor. 

I like Reddit, but it is a sad boys’ club that thinks every woman has an agenda of crushing and pulverizing men’s balls. You have to sift through a lot of garbage to get to nuggets of insightfulness and value. Men are not the enemy. Wealth is not the great injustice. Race inequality is not the greatest wrong. Not

Katie, the keys to my heart, don’t get emotionally upset when ppl act a fool. I live in a very over priced area. My condo is easily over 200k over priced for its real value. Me and my spouse have made necessary improvements, but our home is no lap of luxury. It’s magic is that it feels good when you walk in the front

I would like Barf Bag to come back. I think a lot of ppl want a political platform that allows them a voice to express their frustration, angst, good ideas that have not been completely formulated, sharing of interesting positions and a forum for ideas and positions without an immediate negative tear down of the

Butter, sour cream, cream cheese, dipped in hot soup, hummus, tazikiti, even basic broke bitch margarine would all compliment that loaf of bread perfectly. Even perfection can be elevated by the right spread. Bread is one of humankind's greatest accomplishmentments. Paired with a fat, bread is elevated to one of the

It is not a mean spirited ghost, it is sub par products. Most appliances only have a 1 year warranty or less. Completely pathetic in my eyes. We stopped caring about quality craftsmanship and paying top dollar for an appliance that could potentially last you your entire adult life. Twelve years ago my mom asked me for

Hard to respond to you when I am not only grayed out but shut out. I can not find my response even when I choose to review pending comments. You are completely right, women in the political sphere ( or any sphere for that matter) can be blindsided by men’s casual and domineering misogyny. That is parallel to my

I get the feeling of being manipulated at the hands of a very charmistic charlatan. Trump was so full of shit you could smell it 4 blocks away and yet one was still sucked in to his charms. He had that gift of mesmerizing ppl. I found myself stopping whatever I was doing and listening to his mouth garbage because it

I have already expressed to you in length that I was never a cat person but you helped me love cats in a way that I never thought I was capable of feeling. I have a real fucking dilemma on my hands. What I did not share with you was my older son was experiencing hives, swollen eyelids, swollen lips , an extreme body

Totally get it. I currently have the worst sinus infection in more than 10 years. Two rounds of antibiotics and the side effects of the second round are debilitating beyond belief. Extreme tiredness, vomiting, intestinal cramping, dizziness, heartburn and the most restless sleep i have ever experienced. I start

Okay, so get how being outside of your desirable weight range can be a real mind fuck. I know for myself that I gain weight and my looks suffer, my cheeks and double chin become too prominent. Here is where I get philosophical and show my feminist streak, being preoccupied with you weight does not allow you to grow

Hmm, I say not worth it. The person who reflects on their life and says I hurt people even though I did not know better and those people deserve to know that I look back and know I was a coward for not valuing the time where I could have been pivotal in your life. It is not sorry, even if it is genuine, it is

Gold plated mushroom dick that sprays poisonous semen? Doubt it, seems overly ambitious, more like a dribbler.