Plutarch X

All the agents of the Black Lodge in concert could not taint with their shadows of darkest shadows to dim the glow of Hurley's strong quiet soul of decency.
He is immune.
That is cooler than cool can ever be.

The future Katie Hurley doth protest too much.

Burble 'o gurgling turgid wordswirls percolating in salivating junkie critics desperate for that fix; urges of observers to swerve eager pinions into wordworld slurry via exclusionary illusion of purpose—sure can prompt amusements during a drunkard's walkabout through the metaforest.

Judge Dredd's Divorce Court

It's Spam!

Hotwheels Forty was stopped by hornets.

He's gonna make him squeal like a loose meat pork sandwich.

He was working so very hard day and night for the entire year, an absolute perfectionist crafting his opus, forging from the smithy of his soul in order to shine brighter than a thousand suns for his auspicious debut.

They can just go straight to shell.

What kind of snow blower did you get us mixed up with?

Bah, Klingons always sexy and vital.
Chang, legendary motorboating enthusiast, lost an eye to areola spines.
reH let SuH yIQ nga'chuq SuvwI'

Yes indeed, via the Zefram Cockring.
Butt-plug tele-poo-portals also available.

It's so cool, it's so hip, it's alright
It's so groovy, it's outta sight
You can touch it, smell it, taste it so sweet
But it makes no difference 'cause it knocks you off your feet…

You want it all but you can't have it
It's in your face but you can't grab it
It's alive, afraid, a lie, a sin
It's magic, it's tragic, it's a loss, it's a win
It's dark, it's moist, it's a bitter pain
It's sad it happened and it's a shame…

Can you feel it, see it, hear it today?
If you can't, then it doesn't matter anyway…

Dooch Gooch Mooch Screws Pooch, Loses Cooch, Smooches Hooch

The Amazing Criswell sez the future will bring Wicken Chings, same principle as hotwings but made with rendered catndog parts instead of wasting the meat at the pound.

Pizza won't be the only thing arriving in 30 minutes…or less.

"I'm a great believer in chaos. I don't believe that you start with a formula and then you fulfill the formula. Chaos is a much better instigator, because we live in chaos — we don't live in a rigorous form."

…Time to pull together as a team. Life's too short. I say, let's let bygones be bygones. If you took the raisins, if you didn't take the raisins— They weren't even my raisins. I was just curious because it seems like a strange to do to walk into a room, audition, and to walk out with a box of raisins. Anyway,