Plutarch X

okputrid will take 'em with open raised arms.

He don't want Fop, goddammit. He's a Dapper Dan man.

I've seen things you Kinjas wouldn't believe. Attack threads on fire off the shoulder of The Onion. I watched comment-beams glitter in the dark near the Chathäuser Gates. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die…

Tug Jonson's Crank Grease is good for your Land Rover.

Can't say Dan ain't committed to that picture.

If you really really love, then The Velveteen Underground becomes a real band.

Double power of dedicated pals destroys the plans of Doktor Penetrator!.

Truth is, there was really only one dirty creepy hippy who just done a whole bunch of hitchhiking in the summer of love, so lots of folks saw him and the legend grew.

Yet he fancies himself a load bearing wall.

Stella reference fella, drove right by;
this brobards smilin' and peckin' his paws for an upvote.

One moment.
Th'anus is laying some cable…

Nemesis on Netflix coming soon…


Unleash radioactive hell and obliterate heaven, Haruo-san.

Mad, Cracked, Sick, or Crazy; nobody rides for free!

"If there's one thing kids need, it's the Handy Manny Ripp the Chain Saw Toy! Play 'cutting' with this safe plastic toy tool! Electronic sounds from the TV show!
Now boys can cut wood parts just like dad with Ripp The Chain Saw! Features a realistic blade-rotating action and fun sound effects & character phrases. But

Weird Rush Limbaugh gnaws on side of beef while re-crappering upon his porcelain throne.

"I'll never forget the time I got caught stealing watermelons from old Mr. Barnslow's watermelon patch. I was with my friend Bobby. We were giggling so hard I thought I'd wet my pants! At first we tried to steal two watermelons each, but they were too heavy and we dropped them, and that made us laugh even harder.

"By hitching our snarkwagons to stars made of shit, it makes us uberkewl and gives our lives meaning!"