Plutarch X

I liked your comment…

"This is my Fuckening and it freaks me out!"

You are correct.
If you end up on Love Street, then you've gone too far.

Does he still have Steve Martin's Penis Beauty Cream as a soothing balm when things get hard for him in these turgid times?

Make Ass Gravy Acquiesce

Plus, he really wants to go to that place he heard about.
That place in France where there is a hole in the wall so he can see it all.

He'll make it into: Corpadverticus Circle of Total Bastards

His handlers are simply relieved and consider it a win that he did not grab her pussy or start humping her leg like a dog while winking at Macron and offering him Melania while imitating Pepe le Pew.

Perhaps the thrilling verisimilitude of a zombie Michael can only be achieved by constructing an animatronic dancing abomination from the desiccated husk of his corpse?

Sounds about right.
But he will call him "Bango."

If this guy had more depth, gravitas, and better acting skills, he might be a good choice to portray Marcus Garvey in something.

…on Night's Plutonian Shoreos.

One of those sociopathic rage-filled brain-damaged toddlers that some poor unsuspecting couples adopt from shitty Russian orphanages?

Ant-Man No More!

They fuck, and suck, and fuck and suck and fuck. It's the Itchy and Scratchy Joe.

Well, at least the movie has an exciting title going for it.

Some of us abomination auteurs (adherents of the two things school) even articulate at times via a balanced fusion: the unstoppable violence of terrible poetry, and at other times: the terrible poetry of unstoppable violence…

Cremaster of your domain…

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