Plutarch X

Good call.
It's long past time to give Plantains & Nightsticks some real competition.

It's a beauty way to go.

…Some say a comet will fall from the sky,
followed by meteor showers and tidal waves,
followed by fault lines that cannot sit still,
followed by millions of dumbfounded dip shits.
Some say the end is near.
Some say we'll see Armageddon soon.
I certainly hope we will, cause
I sure could use a vacation from this
bullshit three

Nothin' could be finer than finding giant spiders in my vagina in tha moooorrnnninggg.

I was hearing the spider-sprog saying "What the fuck is going on here?" right after sliding its head outta momma's cooch, and right before it chews the open-mouthed doctor's head off.

That picture…those blowjob lips.
Deranged Яepublican cockholster seems primed and quite eager to pleasure his overlord.

American Horror Story: Courtroom!

"I feel the need, the need for speed…when i pee.
When the hell is this godamn Flomax gonna kick in!"

Closing lines homage/swipe/paraphrase from Alan Moore's Top10; Rust's worldview and musings all Thomas Ligotti inspired.

aka The Wackster!

It was your original idea that just happened to dovetail with other independently pondered original ideas.

They'll call 'em Strength Squad

Buck up Griffin.
Severed presidential penis can fix this.

…except Electro.

It is very good that the wayward boys were taught to wear dickhats for assfucks.

Clay is known to sigh when spent after a night spent with carnal harem: " Ow, my Aiken balls."

Can the 'tree' be some sort of Wicker Man?
And instead of 20 years, maybe 20 minutes as it burns.
I'll bring some marshmallows.

I guess we were all guilty, in a way. We all shot him, we all skinned him, and we all got a complimentary bumper sticker that read: "I helped skin Bob."

There is something profoundly sad yet also perversely entertaining about watching this arrogant, ignorant, mentally ill, rage-filled monster toddler, compulsive lying criminal lunatic seemingly trapped in the escalating grip of sputtering psychosis become even more emotionally unhinged in front of the world as his

That was a very endearing and thoughtful gesture Abby Grace.
May you totally be spared any insane venom from trumpcultists.