Plutarch X

Episode IV: A New Poop
Episode V: The Clampire Shites Black
Episode VI: Reburn of the Browneye
Episode VII: The Shart Awakens
Episode VIII: The Blast Booty

Slang thought up by virgins.

Spurn Heartache Hour
Arch Haunt Superhero
Unto Cheaper Hurrahs

Bannon nailin' Palin with canon in the annals of her tale?

Gay Jesus has anuses for stigmata.

Assorted memories blur in a sea of carnal bliss…
…my cargo shorts on the floor under her dress.

Do you need a hug now grumpus?

Yup Rotund Clam
Pulmonary Duct
Untrod A Clumpy
Randomly Cutup
Rump Toy Unclad
Trump Do Lunacy

Savor the mental image of Dan Neilan masturbating pondering
Neil DeGrasse Tyson falling over with his pants down.


Had to.
Buncha flies slipped in last week.

Your defense and loyalty has not gone unnoticed by Prez Orange Shytflake.
You are hereby ordered to report to the Whine House,
and if pussy passes vetting,
are now Pissident Angry Lunatic's new official cock holster.

You come across ignorant and sub-literate.
Perhaps you are stupid, or an idiotic moron; or if that seems a tad unkind, perhaps you are brain-damaged in some way?
Looking at your posting history, the damage may be due to over-washing.

They are out on Maple Street.

Life dies.

Breaks his neck motorboating Kelly McGillis in that buggy..

Stay hard, Harry, stay hard.

Deppocolypse, some call it.

James Patterson & Bill Clinton's Cumshots!

Nor Lion or Snake.