Plutarch X

Was hoping for body of Grimace with head of Mac Tonight.

Inspires a rocketeer she does.

Poop Ship Destroyer!

…or writes for.

Hershey squirt rings and flatulent billows.

She risks splinters internal and external if too enthusiastic.

And it's no wonder cuz those little fuckers can fuck like Yoda in his prime!

Didn't you say a while back that you were going to try to stop posting when you're stoned or drunk?

Everyday is cockring Friday.

Maybe you are projecting?
Have you gotten any help yet for your recurring suicidal ideations or are you just going to be continuing dropping tearful manipulatives in comment sections?

It's soul black dark on the far shore and there's this smell.

Viewers Digest Condensed Movie

Didn't intend to sound all roll over and just take it, prolly just demoralized again by unevolving meatbag money planet.

Povich keeps her on a leash.

Or if some spiky haired rapscallion cuts the bull's head off and make it toilet for the girl.

Nah, just a 'lil bit o light hearted shit for shat in the ephemeral meaninglessness; maybe a passing chuckle for darker lurkers.

Vaper or vapist?

Love the violent beauty of nature.
Hope these two meet again some day…

Macaroni mixed w. spaghetti broken to macaroni length, four cheeses minimum, with bacon, sausage, and cajun spiced burger…

Not sorry to sound uncivil,
but your post makes Plutarch X long for someone
to grind you slowly into a slurry and fed to pigs…
…along with the utter destruction of your entire bloodline throughout time…;-)
(which you get to watch before being fed to the pigs)