Plutarch X

Padme got Punk'd.

It will be delightful responses when he burns the manuscript entire for all to see.

Chet had the Zig-Zag papers all along !

Nancy Do and The Hard Boys

To me, truth is not some vague, foggy notion. Truth is real. And, at the same time, unreal. Fiction and fact and everything in between, plus some things I can't remember, all rolled into one big 'thing'. This is truth, to me.

Mr. Wendal is the key to the five year mission…

I guess we were all guilty, in a way. We all shot him, we all skinned him, and we all got a complimentary bumper sticker that read, "I helped skin Bob."

Allen Gregory and Booker are gonna join the Brimstone Sliders in a Dollhouse Harsh Realm with much Glee.

I guess more bad things have been done in the name of progress than any other. I myself have been guilty of this. When I was a teenager, I stole a car and drove it out into the desert and set it on fire. When the police showed up, I just shrugged and said, "Hey, progress." Boy, did I have a lot to learn.

Scientology is a fraud, a cult, a blight upon the world run by madmen and murderers?

Bong is a Doctor.

You didn't get invited to that party, eh?

This place is pretty darn nice indeed.
Why sometimes, people even…
and accord and good cheer seem to flourish on a regular basis.

And death is a game that all must play.

OK, we hug,
but not out of 'need'
…just cuz we're human.


It was nice brevity; i agree.
I did not specify your issues; you've spewed enough for all to see a taste of them, and i deal with my own without being told to by those imprisoned within their own.

No one gets summed up by their urn or coffin.
Fisher's family knew her best.
Your issues are your own.

And $2500 to insert it.

Finding small comforts in a season of loss knowing her fallen mother would be delighted.