It’s a Game Pass game if you have an Xbox. I wonder how that impacts sales. I would certainly buy it, but I won’t because I get to play it for free (or for the price of the sub I already had anyway).
It’s a Game Pass game if you have an Xbox. I wonder how that impacts sales. I would certainly buy it, but I won’t because I get to play it for free (or for the price of the sub I already had anyway).
I’d be fine with this list if Grayson Allen wasn’t ranked so high.
I went to ISU, and I still don’t understand why Des Moines is DSM. Where does the capital “S” come from? At least my city is sensible abbreviated MCI.
In my head I remember thjat the Cubs way over-pitched him, he got injured, and was never the same again, but his stats don’t really support that, and apparently he just got injured in fairly regular usage.
I’m a Chiefs fan and I’m shocked he didn’t get any suspension at all.
As a Chiefs fan who largely hates other Chiefs fans this still seems wildly off to me. The Patriots are also in the AFC.
In Mahomes case he is named after his father and should rightfully be a junior, but Mahomes II is cooler and he should stick with that.
As an Iowa State alum / Seneca Wallace fan it’s unfair to lump him in with these fools. He was a late 4th round pick who had a 10 year career as a decent NFL backup QB. (career 80.8 rtg 31 TDs 19 INTS)
At home, I actively check my phone about every 10 minutes if things are not that exciting. And In fact spent much of last night watching both “The Good Place” and the NBA Draft on mute on my second monitor, while also texting occasionally.
Nationalize the NFL and all the teams. Now it makes sense to play the anthem! Players can do whatever.
#2 is the part I don’t get at all. I can sort of understand stockpiling guns / water / food if you believe the apocalypse is just around the corner, but what the hell is gold going to be good for after societal collapse?
There are some places you can’t get away with this, but I’ve taken to just wearing headphones myself 100% of the time when I’m using public transit / in an airport / etc.
I don’t know, I have the fucking MLB package (granted it was free this year from t-mobile), but because I live within 100 miles of my team of choice, I still have to use my parents cable login or stream shit illegally from eastern europe or through a VPN. You also can’t even buy live streaming of NFL games in this…
The thing I don’t understand about advertising is how much car advertising there is. It’s a once every 5+ year purchase that is presumably fairly well researched, since they are expensive as hell..
I generally just wash the sheets, the blanket and the duvet cover at the same time every couple of weeks. I probably wouldn’t do the blanket / duvet all this often do this if I A. didn’t have a a large dog & cat sleeping on the comforter all the time, and B. could be bothered to keep track of a rotation.