If you view cars as appliances why are you on Jalopnik?
If you view cars as appliances why are you on Jalopnik?
No skin in this game, like you obviously do...
Internet Troll is super effective!
You sir are a beautiful, glorious hot mess! Your logic is extremely flawed and I think you probably got touched by a VW when you were young and have never recovered.
I never even had it on the table.
Well, I’ll leave it at this. I can’t convince you and I guarantee you can’t convince me because I lived in it for many years. There are some terrible people on BOTH sides of the desk in any industry including the car business. I can also guarantee you that they aren’t all bad.
By the way, why weren’t you there to save your brother and yourself the aggravation with the “z-coat”?
Hey, hey, I resemble that remark. Don’t try to confuse me with your fancy college speak. I’m a simple cave-man, I don’t understand your wizarding ways.
You mean like this one?
Hey, wait-a-minuet, my attorney wears a seersucker suit...
Any time someone starts a sentence with “not to be a _____” you’re doing exactly that thing.
You need to ease up. You’re starting to sound like Shabazz K. Morton.
That’s okay, they hate you too.
It absolutely makes a difference in regards to what type of vehicle you are purchasing.
What’s unreasonable? MSRP is clearly listed on the sticker and invoice’s for any make and model are readily available. There is about 5-6% mark-up on any given vehicle and the national average profit margin in a little over 3%. It’s a really simple and quick process if you know what you’re doing. I’ll agree with you…
Until you get kicked out for being a d-bag. Rinse and repeat at next dealer. Try being a human being and do your homework before being a raging a-hole. It will save you time and I know my time is worth a lot more than hanging around a dealership unnecessarily for hours.
How bout all the fries I can eat?
Hey, will you put in a good word for all us car-guys? I mean being that you must be the head fry-guy.
Not at all. It was in response to the comment that stated this was another great reason to pay cash. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard a customer say that to an inexperienced sales person though. We all want the lowest payment possible, right?
Some of the statements in the article seem a bit dubious. How would the IRS know what equipment was really on the car as opposed to how it was booked prior to speaking directly with the customer? Another thing that seems odd is the reason given for the “powerbooking”. In most cases a VSC and GAP can be added to the…