
Trixie! In the show, she used to date Rev Tom, before he married Barbara. She left mid-season this year, a relapse of her alcoholism. But we know the real reason: Helen George had a baby in real life with Jack Ashton! SO DAMN CUTE!

The South Africa Christmas episode was superb.

I cry every episode. Every one! Last night...oceans of tears.

Too late, Kanye fired his agent earlier this week...

Well Kanye’s mother was chair of that English dept she was at, so I’m sure she did better than a cashier at Walmart. But she would certainly be worried about her son.

‘ the tale of someone ‘doing their very best to get away from the community’

How come Veronica Webb doesn’t age? Not fair!!!

More principals Henry Zymeck, please. He really told them parents in their face.

Miramax? MIRAMAX???

good tweet needs to be visible

Normal behaviour for a sociopath.

Hear that Trump?

I love love love that Cristian Siriano has been dressing her splendidly for years.

Uncle Tom is not a good look, Kanye.

Off topic but...

His father was a Black Panther... His mother - RIP - was chair of the Department of English and Speech at Chicago State University. When she died, it fucked up Kanye for good it seems. Broke him.

Yep. Those cops must be pissed that the hero at that other Waffle House was black... they (those cops) would have probably shot him down before he could be the hero. But hey! Kanye said that today, so those cops are in the clear!

Does baby vomit on french linens smell better than peasant cotton ones?

They’re quite fantastic, those legs.