
I agree. I like both shows very much. Barry is a really nice surprise, lots of nuances and touching too.

I agree with you, never found Sacha Cohen and Gervais funny at all. But nothing funny in Britain after the 70s? Come on! That’s a stupid thing to say.

hang him by the balls with barbed wire

ABC wont care now they can make great ratings with a idiot white woman, AKA Roseanne.

Fucking bitch. That’s all.

So far so good. I like that show!


I agree with everything you wrote.

Now playing

Boat people...I’m drowning in my own tears.

Those Heritage Minutes are made just to make us ugly cry, dammit.

Mmmm, I like that 10 000 years old Cheddar Man European!

Yes! I noticed a young Hank Azaria too!

Same. I always found Gervais very tedious.

Trying to help you out.

I’m not into pets wearing clothes, unless for medical reasons. Let them be nude! They’re cute au naturel!

At the bottom of that picture it says 2010.

Luann probably can’t get out of the country, with her current legal problems, she just rejected a plea.

Your hubby is a big spoiled baby. And maybe a bit crazy.