
Oh my goooood E stop trying to make Khloe happen. It’s not going to happen.

I hope I end up in one of the good vaults.

I hope at least in some way this gets her some justice for what was done to her. Poor thing. You can’t get things off the internet, so I hope it can convince someone out there to reach out for help. Full disclosure, I watched it a few days ago. Well, I watched the beginning of it, I backed out watching her trying to

Oh shit, this will take away the breast pump coverage? I had a baby last year and that free pump and the education resources was a godsend. Goddammit.

I cannot believe I live in a world where the incoming Administration makes W look quaint and Cheney only slightly evil.

Freakin’ Chachi, man.

This makes me feel the same way I did when Donald Glover turned up in Magic Mike XXL. I’m tingly and confused.

He should at least change his name to something classier than Couch, like Fred Sofa.

Homegoing is not only the best book I read this year but probably of the last 3 years. I kind of side-eyed it thinking “oh no, generational epic uuuugh” but it ended up being an absolutely fantastic read. Cannot encourage people enough to pick it up.

The comments on that article are completely confusing. Apparently according to readers of the Hollywood Reporter, this show will fail because it is going to be hyper-pc and make all the characters “cross-dressers” and not funny because they’re afraid of offending people while simultaneously being vulgar because kids

Even before HB2 the Republicans blew up the NC movie business by ending the tax incentives and then looking on slack-jawed wondering why all that money started going to Georgia.

You know that thing that started with the Patriot Act (maybe it was around before, but that’s when it seemed to kick into high gear) where whatever something was named was pretty much the opposite of what it did? Like a bill called Clean Air for Kids wouldve been reinstating kids working in coal mines or something.

I think by and large we’re talking about places that have consistent Brain Drain.

I kind of wish “Maerd” would catch on as a yoonique name like “Nevaeh” because it’s the word Dream backwards and kinda sounds like the word for shit in French.

I went to dinner a while back with my sister and her pro-gender-norms new husband and their kids. One of the sons says something about being President and my niece (5 or 6 then) said “No, I’m gonna be President!” The son said “Nuh-uh, you’re a girl, you can only be a First Lady.” I very emphatically interrupted saying

Yesterday I got to vote against Pat McRory and Richard Burr and it felt so good, almost erotic. Sliding that ballot into the box ever so gently at first then, when I knew it was taking it, just letting it go all the way in and making sure that democracy was gonna erupt.

I’ve been watching Travelman over and over again. He is wonderful.

Fuck yeah! There’s a new Pac-Man cartoon on Netflix and I was so sad it wasn’t this one.

Hoooooly crap, Dexatrim will not be stopped. If they still make Alba 77 I could be a diet fad hipster.

The pills looked like Dexatrim to me, which seemed appropriate for fashion, and then I realized they don’t even make Dexatrim anymore and now I feel old.