Trump has become such a cartoonish villain that only the Muppets can stop him.
Trump has become such a cartoonish villain that only the Muppets can stop him.
I keep thinking about that 37% approval rating that W had before leaving office. I kept wondering “who are these people?” Because there can’t be that many corporate shills, sycophants, and lobbyists. Unfortunately Trump is showing me who the rest of the people were.
Target is killing me with so many of the baby choices. Who decided boys all wear anchors now?
I did nazi that coming.
That was so cool! When I noticed electricity beams coming down onto the floor from the screen I was just like... how u do dat? They really used 3D well.
I would not be surprised at all if its second weekend is better than the first, because of people like me who saw it and loved it and then tell everyone they know to go see it. I can’t count on one hand the number of people I know who saw it and were like “wow I thought it would be awful but I loved it” and have been…
This is some Shark Tank shit right here. All hail the entrepreneurial spirit of bored housewifes! Of course, they will get lost or washed or both pretty much immediately and are wildly impractical. My dear, buy a set for the lake house for when the Dottingham’s come over for brunch.
This would get you kicked out of my gym so fast that your head would spin. I’m so glad her gym reacted correctly. F that noise.
I think there was another Jim J Bullock already in SAG or something so when he was on Too Close For Comfort he went by Jm. Sigh, he was always my favorite square.
It is actually really good! I love Match Game and I totally side-eyed this whole project but have watched the first 3 and it’s so funny and tonally on-point. Yay!
Ah, he should only have to apologize. “My bad, sorry I harassed your throat with my hands. We good?” and then everything’s hunky dory.
I had no idea “criminal obstruction of breathing” is a thing. I would think that obstructing someone’s breathing on purpose would be attempted murder or something.
How embarrassing that this will be what comes up when she tries to get a job and they Google her. Oh dear, what’s the Millenial version of folding sweaters at the Gap? I guess there’s that for her.
They should have just taken the hook of Huey Lewis’ I Want a New Drug and speed it up like the first one did. Don’t mess with the classics.
I tried to make pregnant friends at my birthing class, and it turned into all the women competing about who had gained the least weight. :( I’m really banking on being able to make “parent friends” at least through daycare.
Sorry dear, if she indeed “pleaded with him” not to go through with the shooting, that has nothing to do with cause and effect. That means she knew he was planning to do something and that it was something he shouldn’t do. So unless part of her learning disability involves sudden amnesia, I don’t buy it.
See that’s the problem, they fed the wildlife.
The NRA is the gun lobby. The entire reason they exist is to sell guns. Why on Earth would their reaction to anything be something other than “clearly this would be solved by more guns”.
God her wig in the Craft was the best.
“Noor is completely innocent and [was] unaware of the attacks,”