
What I have gathered so far is: She parked her car on the wrong level, walked down the hall to the wrong apartment, did not notice his red rug in front of the door. Put her key into the unlocked door and opened the door into a dark room. Saw him standing there and shot him. Turned on the lights and discovered he was

Sorry to hear you’re leaving(if it’s true). By the by, what are you, thirteen? Sixteen at the most? Oh well... good luck.

I believe I said that when I  mentioned socially crippled insane people. But its all good.

*sigh* It’s commonly known as “micro-aggression” committed by those who want you (for whatever reason) to hurry up and get the fuck out of their way. This, of course is only one form of this hideous, under handed,piece of shit activity practiced by the socially and mentally crippled insane.

“In 2017, the NAACP issued the first two travel advisories for black Americans in the organization’s history — one cautioning travelers against going to the state of Mississippi, and another warning about “a corporate culture of racial insensitivity and possible racial bias on the part of American Airlines.”

You forgot condoms. Make sure he has condoms.

OK. I just gotta ask. Why do yt people have this huge fascination with the “n” word that borders on pathological? Why does any annoyance with or towards any black person result with usage of the ‘n” word? There is a plethora of curse words that white(or other POC) could use and I whole heartily urge you to, but one

I’m sorry I can only give you one star. Here’s a dozen soft and chunky chocolate chip cookies:)

Apache Junction exists in a kind of time warp circa 1880. The city has kinda, sorta entered the twenty first century, while the people basically remain in the nineteenth. It sits next door to Mesa, a predominately Mormon city. The black population is 1%. The mindset of Apache Junction is strictly “old west”., as is

How do you know that one or two of the passengers assaulted the elder white lady? What if seeing the elder white lady having a hard time exiting the bus, a group of civic minded American black citizens decided to do the right thing and help her down the busses steps. In their eagerness to be of service to the elderly


To say that the relationship between Germany and the US of A at the time was complicated would be an understatement. Here is a smidgen of the information I found.

Thank you for this article. My understanding and knowledge of history is not that great, but wasn’t Amerikka engaged in World War 1 in 1914 (1914-1918) AGAINST Germany? Yet Amerikka was also, at the same time conspiring WITH Germany to occupy Haiti. What the fuckity fuck?

HA!!! I gave up on yt pipol years ago. They just plain wore my black ass out. They’re emotional vampires. They suck the life out of you, your dog, your cat, your bird, the oxygen in the air, the molecules that make up reality and the shine that makes the stars sparkle.

Ahhhhhahahaha.  Man. Coffee. I personally would not be here today if it wasn’t for coffee. I love “coffee”, especially black coffee.  Yes Lawd! Coffee!

He leads his group of yt pipol in the realization of value of.... things. Like, you know...??? I got nothing.

The rabbit hole you’re standing over is wide and deep with plenty of twists and turns. Be careful, you might not find your way out again once you make it to that section on Amerikka.

Now we have tangible, documented proof that just the sight of a black person can literally drive a yt creature insane.

Uppity (well-spoken) and articulate (ungrateful) are the same, hence we have:artuppity. Please don’t hurt me.

THAT was a cold shot. Appropriate, but cold.