
I fail to see the problem here.

“Unfortunately, bigots tend to see Black people asking for any kind of assistance as leeches looking for a handout, so her response was typical...”

prosopopoeia?  Seriously?

When is enough, enough for yall?” It’s never enough. Because you can’t fill an empty, soulless, bottomless pit. 

I think black women should speak softly and carry  a big brick.

100 nay 1000% agree. Did not black people save Biden in the primaries while white people rejected him? Did not black people reject Kamala Harris? Did not black people rant and rave about the “lesser of two evils”? You kneegroes saved white people from a racist? WTF. But elected a racist. That’s some conundrum you got

If yall wanna know how POC (Mexicans) feel about black people, then come on down to Arizona.

It wasn’t that long ago that that these peoples ancestors were feeding little black children to alligators. Why on Earth are you surprised, shocked and dismayed by their actions today? You’re expecting human emotions where none exist.  You’re self preservation better kick in real fast. Time is running out.

“Can we get that meteor here sooner?”

Killing Me Softly by Roberta Flack. And you need to stop defending yourself. You don’t owe anybody anything.

I chose popcorn. White cheddar.

I chose popcorn. White cheddar.

Well, why didn’t you say that in the first place? At least it was a good attempt to explain her behavior and supply Michael with a partial answer. Me. Meh.

I have no problem saying “Thank you,” except for the fact that I CAN”T BREATHE, you stupid bitch.

Read this and I hope you are healing.

WHY ARE PEOPLE THANKING ME!!!!! I was shanghaied, pressed into service, impounded and drafted. I did not want to go. Period. Everybody knows this! What’s up with all you hypocrites out there thanking me for something I had NO say so in? Then when I did make it back I couldn’t get a goddamned job, because the media was

That is a frightening post.


Or dead.

So what you’re saying is, they feel left out????? And this is their chance to feel part of something? To belong? To what?