
This. This is why I no longer believe in Karma or any of that other comeuppance shit. The universe just rolls over you and keeps on going.

After reading the article and maybe ninety percent of the comments, the only thought that comes to mind is...headphones. Oh course I could be wrong.


Racism is like a precious heirloom to be passed down from generation to generation.

There are many a well written and heart felt bunch of replies in the comments section right now. I just thought yours deserved a “holla”. Carry on.

These types of incidents(killings, taserings, beatings, etc,) against black people, coupled with the robust racist behavior of yts seem to be escalating. One can only wonder where it will all lead. Do we, as black people just have to weather the current administration in hopes that it will just die down? What if it

I could give two shits about the mailbag. But I found magnificent symmetry in the fact that there are actually other people out there that think Donald Glover is wrong for the part of Lando Calrissian. Oh happy day! I thank the god that made me. I can finally breathe. On the other hand, I do think lotion is essential

Nothing like fresh off the grill road kill and hush puppies. Yeeee ha!

Whitey Whitefaceintosh...LOL

I too picked up on the white dog black dog thing, but what really got me was the mental gymnastics you put yourself through. That shit will drive you crazy or as the young people say: cray-cray.

Yep, it’s his neighbor. A neighbor he probably waves at every morning. A neighbor he discusses sports with or crab grass maybe. A neighbor he hates so badly that he’s willing to put out a contract on him for the simple reason of being black. Old folks saying: You never know what’s in the back of a person’s mind.

OR. You could say “crackazoid”.

Whoa!! That was deep. She actually gave a small shiver before giving in to his hand or did someone mess with this?


Bravo! I really wanted to say that.

While reading this the words”fighting words” kept going through my mind, so I Googled them. This is what I came up with.

myelinizating algebramagical dimensionse......... what the fuckity fuck??????

*Sigh* I am so tired.

“This is something that is a local matter, and that’s something that we feel should be left up to the local authorities at this point in time,” adding that the president is in full support of law enforcement officers.”

*Because if it’s not the police who observe a black person walking, running away, having a wallet, not having a wallet, stretching, standing still, breathing, etc. in a suspiciously life threatening manner, it will be a “frightened” good citizen (usually with enough melanin to not induce fear) who calls them in.*