Dude, you don’t have to be an asshole and generalize an entire group
Dude, you don’t have to be an asshole and generalize an entire group
Dude, you don’t have to be an asshole and generalize an entire group
I have found out the hard way that blood is NOT thicker than water, family, or safety. One of many lies I’ve grow up with.
Thank you, 53 percent of white women who voted against their self-interests to elect this man.
Anybody who is anybody and has seen the Mel Brooks film Blazing Saddles knows that the abbreviated term for nigger is “nig”. The accepted use of the word in polite society is “the n word”. Although “niggerilla” has a good chance of making inroads into white society. Big time. Peoples, we have a winner. (Sorry about…
LOL. Play dead,
Hey! Waitaminute. Are you saying that you have NEVER seasoned your fried chicken??!! Seriously? You’re messing with me, right.?
Don’t quote me on this but it looks like: Ambrosia. The little red and orange thingies kinda give it away. Lord only knows how the peas fit into this.
Very attractive family. (I was going to add: except for the doofus in the baseball cap. But, I decided not to do that. And I’m glad I made that decision.)
Very attractive family. (I was going to add: except for the doofus in the baseball cap. But, I decided not to do that. And I’m glad I made that decision.)
Young, Gifted and Black.
“She looks kinda nasty”, he said while exiting stage left.
OK. I looked at it about four or five times and you’re right... unless you focus on her cheek bones. Then you get the face. I don’t know why. Try it. Just look at her cheeks. Either way, Michelle is and always has been an elegant and beautiful woman.
Thank you for this. I feel much better.
So if he did or did not use the word in context, did he also explain why the use of the word was considered hate speech and offensive to members of this society. Did he also go into the ramifications of using the “n” word in public, the meaning of the word and it’s history in the good ol’ US of A. After all, it is a…
“just take a ride up the coast and leave her to deal with it. Let the relationship BREATHE”
I have fits over articles like this. How can 14% of a country’s so-called citizens have a negative effect on that country (the civil rights of the sixties caught’em when they weren’t looking) when about 10% of those same so-called citizens hate each other. I mean black people are the textbook example of bad publicity…
Point taken. But the reason that this did not escalate was because the young black man was in control of his emotions. That wasn’t the point. Baseless hatred was the point. PaulMooneysTongue. LOL. One of my favorites.
Even though this carrot top POS, lies at the drop of a hat, he is still accorded the respect that goes with being a white man. A respect that former president Obama was denied for eight years in office.
OK.I’m reading here, but not really paying attention, until the thought occurred to me that there really must be some sort of reward or bounty for turning in a black male to the police, otherwise why go to all the trouble of harassment? Because you gotta be pretty sure of yourself to confront a perfect stranger…