
I Hobie’s okay.

Holy crap I just did it out loud and it works magically.

Diamond Bar, CA?

Thanks for mentioning this. AYSO is getting the idea that a smaller pitch is the way to develop skills faster. I coach AYSO and Futsal and after showing immediate returns on Futsal translating to regular youth soccer, my local AYSO organization has asked me to facilitate a spring Futsal league to help with

+1 Coffey curve

Thanks for the response. What are the standards that the clubs must meet? Is there a link?

Considering that the DA is only concentrated on the East and West coast, how can we really expect them to even find the best talent. There are some great kids and coaches here in AZ and there are zero USSDA clubs. How many are they really missing? No family is going to uproot everything and move to CO or CA just for

I know someone that was there and the crowd was decent but not overwhelming where people were constantly on top of each other like you would find at a concert. The pics I saw on my friend’s FB page showed it to have room for everyone to spread their elbows out if that makes any sense.

Yeah I manage our team and we always have a couple guys who pay the $400+ fee and only show up to a handful of games. I mean, good for them that they can afford to throw away money like that but I’m pretty sure I make more than them and there is no way I’m missing a game unless I have to.

Holy crap this. It’s a pain in the ass when guys no-show and you have to put lines together on the fly. Uneven rotations, people hogging ice time and then everyone gets pissed off.

I hear what you’re saying. I’m from So. California originally but then moved to Memphis and this was weird having kids call me Mr. SacLamb. However, my wife and I foster kids and while we don’t want to force them to call us Mom and Dad, we also didn’t want them using our last names either. We actually found having

+1 for Scottsdale Community College!

Blame Scottsdale for that. All votes were in to build there but the city just said no. Ah, what could have been.

It’s never 30 minutes away. On a week night, it’s an hour easy.

or to the side

Damn! Nothing in Arizona which is a shame. There’s some good talent here.

Thank you. Here in AZ we have a ton of talented kids but none of them are being scouted. Only if you pay to play on the club teams then you may get noticed along side Kaden or Bryce who have money and some skill but no heart and no head for the game. We have what we call the Mexican youth leagues and they tear up the

You’re funny. I have a 22 year old daughter who still constantly asks for money.

What a douche. How did any of you not punch him out when off the ice? It’s not like you’re kids. We have a similar skills night and development league for anyone that wants to learn to play or work on skills for adult league hockey and it’s nowhere near that kind of shit. It’s been pretty great overall.

“Trump for all his disqualifying faults has touched on a real issue facing what used to be a strong base for the democrats, the continued decline of the working lower middle class. The Democrats blind adherence to free trade no matter the cost created an opening. Obama’s biggest failure, not reforming Wall St created