
Because these two characters believe that IS how you get good at jazz. The authenticity of their relationship is the only truth the movie needs to be concerned about.

Hold on! So the movie about obsessive ambition wasn't a how-to guide??

Nope. I'm almost positive this is a direct quote from the pilot episode. The word "important" is needed in the first sentence to set up the joke in the second.

Oh, totally. I get why they went that route, and I even sort of love how outlandish it is. It's such a soap opera thing.

Yeah, but I had just assumed Sin Rostro had gotten plastic surgery to disguise herself. Where did she get a rubber mask so convincing that for months it fooled everyone close to her, including during heavy makeout sessions with Luisa?

It's important to note that Michael is NOT a virgin. Well, it's important to him; I couldn't care less.

Remember when Alamo Drafthouse kicked Madonna out of a screening? That was awesome.

Can you remind us which school awarded college credit for getting shitty poetry removed from a video game?

Boyhood is in the top 5 for sure. Her is a strong contender too!

Apple paid them a lot of money.

I can't get enough Cones of Dunshire references, ever. Ben dressed as the Lamp Lighter (the most powerful piece in the game, despite the common misconception that the Oculus is) killed me.

"End of speech."

But he had a schoolboy crush! And then never had an adult relationship for the rest of his life.

Ah, OK. I guess my problem with it is that usually on 24 you either disarm the bomb before the timer runs out, or the bomb goes off. It doesn't malfunction and just not detonate. But Michelle being totally fine despite nobody coming up with a cure or anything felt a little too convenient.

My only problem with season three was that Michelle got exposed to the virus and then was just fine. No explanation or anything. Wasn't it supposed to be like 99% lethal? And she just happened to be the 1% with a resistance to it? Even for 24 that was a bit much.

Season 6 was going great For the first six or so episodes. Grizzled Jack returning from China, ripping a dude's throat out with his teeth, and murdering Curtis? Suicide bombings all over the US, a suburban family being held hostage, and a nuke going off in LA? Sadly, everything after that was totally forgettable. All

But Teti's point is complete bullshit. "Don't say anything bad about cultural frenzy X, it spoils my fantasy that everyone in America is watching it together, holding hands, a single tear streaming down everyone's cheek." Yeah, anti-Superbowl posts are mildly annoying, but let's not pretend they're anything worse than

You're right, of course. I'm using Moffat for short because he's the showrunner and a lot of the problems I have with Sherlock are also present in Doctor Who, which he also heads. Both shows have a team of writers, but he ultimately gets the credit or blame, the same way Sorkin gets blamed for The Newsroom's problems.

You just crystallized my problems with this season better than I did. I agree with everything you just said. In a way, being disappointing is worse than being bad. I can just ignore something like Dads. Sherlock was good enough to get me to keep watching, waiting for it to become great. Sadly, I'll probably pass on

I disagree with almost every word in your description of Sherlock. It doesn't "study" or deal in any meaningful way with his being a sociopath. The writers just use it as an excuse to tell jokes about how he doesn't care about people. The visuals are usually lifted straight out of David Fincher or Guy Ritchie movies