
Let's not forget that Sherlock himself is a famous figure, too. Which makes him a pretty shitty choice of undercover agent. It reminded me of when The Office UK made fun of the tech support guy's conspiracy theory that the Chinese government faked Bruce Lee's death so they could send him undercover to investigate the

*Spoiler warning*
I've never been a huge fan of this show, but this season was enough to make me think I won't continue watching. I like the two (now three) leads, but the writing does nothing for me on either a micro or macro level.

I'm probably just making excuses for my favorite movie, but I see Guinness' Prince Feisal as a bit of stunt casting. Lawrence is British, but tries (with limited success) to "become" Arab. So let's cast a British actor to actually PLAY an Arab prince. Pretending to be something you're not may work in a movie, but in