
The science of what, basket weaving? Everyone on the internet has a bare minimum of degrees in science...didn’t you know that?

I’d be interested to see how many non-vaccinated children are in the school systems in these counties.

I’d like to think he actually did mean a gun that fires semi-frozen turkeys. Specifically a turkey firing Gatling gun.

Agree, firearm courses teaching proper use, transport and storage of a firearm should be required for ownership. Hell, what’s the point of owning a gun if you aren’t going to learn to use it? Going to a range is half the fun of owning a firearm.

I would be willing to bet that most of the commenters on this website, saying that it’s easier to purchase a gun in the US than it is to vote, have never even attempted to purchase a firearm or are completely unaware of the gun laws where they live. But, hey, guns = bad and by proxy gun owners do as well, right?

If you think it’s easier to legally acquire a gun in the US than it is to vote, you’re delusional.

What, no rounded corners? I’m disappointed.

Like Ted Kennedy did in Cape Cod.

Defend Trump, no.

Well, jobs would cut into the time they can allocate to protesting.

Yeah, that’s an asinine prediction.

“He wasn’t trying to start a dialog, he was trying to police the content of a website he voluntarily visits.”

Ah, here comes the insults to intelligence.

You know you’ve struck a nerve when actual snowflakes desperately lash out by calling other people snowflakes. By all means continue calling me a snowflake, it doesn’t bother me in the slightest, but at the end of the day you’ll still be a triggered crybaby.

“there’s literally no substantive argument ever made in favor of what he’s actually doing”

“Real potential for an important, deep conversation there...”


“A good leader is selfless and should spend wiser to benefit many and harm few.”

I see this response a lot from the left. I’ll tell you what this type of response said about the person posting it.