I mean has rock star ever released a game that people were disappointed in graphically?
I mean has rock star ever released a game that people were disappointed in graphically?
Really? Like, how much better? Because it looks pretty amazing to me.
Did Aristophanes then have the power of the state through some hazy legal rights that have never actually been fully granted to silence those town criers?
Good point. Seems they still haven’t balanced pvp and pve separately meaning special ammo scarcity in pve.
No one ever promised space battles.
That’s what the raids are about. arestrikes have always been super fun burst activities.
I’d hazard a guess that %90+ of heavy destiny players wanted basically the exact same game but perfected.
Like I’ve said elsewhere. I didn’t want anything new. I wanted the original rebooted withall lessons learned implemented at once.
This looks like everything I wanted basically.
Rule number one. Corporation X is not your friend and if they could squeeze profit by liquifying your putrid remains and selling them in capsules to toddlers they’d have a fiduciary responsibility to do so.
I’m Sicilian. Second generation here.That means “Up your ass (violently)“
So what? Does that cancer cure come with immortality? Life is only as meaningful as the meaning the living attach to it. Plenty of assholes have been cured of cancer (me for instance!)
Well conciousness is the point of existence. Making value judgements about the merit of another’s life is a fools errand.
Yeah but to be fair THEY OFFERED him an ongoing percentage cut.
Early on “easy” isn’t easy at all. I love hard games from soulsbourne to roguelike and Insta death but it was frustrating.
Consider that we live increasingly isolated lives. The communal social structures that ensured feelings of belonging have died and the only place left is the Darwinian ecosystem of socialinteraction where the fittest get mates and friends and families and the less fit live lives of isolation and quiet desperation.
Alright here we go. I’ve lived a life way on the fringe. I’ve been friends with sex workers and drug dealers (we’ll leave aside anything I may or may not have personally done).
Except media being traffic hungry is literally an existential issue. Ttraffic=eyeballs. Eyeballs sell ads. ad’s pay to keep the lights on.
Really? Deserve insults because they are using a character in a game? You need to examine your priorities. Its a game. There are no tangible rewards beyond the enjoyment someone gets from the game.
Are you actually arguing that assassin’s creed unity (which was hot garbage, followed by a great looking game that became the first AC game I couldn’t even finish) as better than this game? are probably the only person on earth who holds that view.