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Yeah, you know what's really going to be destroyed? Your soul. You may see puppies, horsies and love, but others see...the antichrist!!

Sunglasses, year round; I favor bright hues, patterned and splattered...I like a party on my face (read into that what you will). Winter, scarves; same philosophy with the glasses. T-shirts, I have too many, but always want more.

Yeah, because haute-couture is clearly made with work day attire in mind...

So, wait...Jezebel is in the business of slut shaming now? Because that's how I read this; that expressing one's sexuality in a manner that is safe, consensual and isn't harmful to anyone involved is a reason to be mocked. I know this is an attempt at humor, but if the genders were swapped there would be a whole

2014 version of Annie Hall, got it.

Ew....ew ew ew ew ewwweeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwww. There are only two individuals I can think of who might actually find some sartorial charm in this collection....

She'd be a hit in the NYC nightlife scene, she could pal around with Gerry Visco

Years and years ago when I was a wee denizen of the night I'd always be in awe when Mathu and Zaldy (Ru's designer) would show up. When they did, and they always showed up together, it was like the skies opened up and the hands of the goddesses plopped them down amongst us. They always looked that freaking good.

I've seen Paris multiple times, actually ran around Limelight in the Disco 2000 days, in heels, so I know queens, Hunty...

I' right there with you, but to paraphrase one of the queens in the trailer, "we're drag queens in a competition, it only gets worse in jail."

I'm conflicted, to be perfectly honest; while watching Drag Race has been great fun, at times it's also such a fucking hostile experience. Watching others, especially those that exist outside the "norm" of society being pitted against one another just doesn't amuse me so much. Schadenfreude, over it.

All I can focus on is the poster for the Michael J. Fox vehicle, Teen Wolf, directly behind him, and which seems to be saying, "Original key? Really?"

It's 2014, I'm fairly sure your nine year-old has heard the word anal before, most probably on the playground.

I watch this with pangs of jealousy, as my dog has to be dragged out into the snow, and once outside will begrudgingly do what is needed and then refuses to move until I pick him up and carry him home. He has the same reaction to snow and mud, too.

So too does John Fluevog

I'm sure they wouldn't mind if this group pranced down the street....

Yeah, but these rednecks aren't, in fact, the literal rednecks you speak of...I mean, when was the last time yo saw redneck with frosted tips?

Santacon? Well, ma, it's just a harmless little bar crawl, no reason to worry about me. I'm off to meet Shawn, Sean, Michael, Meghan and Doreen, now. Talk to you tomorrow!

I love the picture of Gisele, because A) she's working, not just relaxing in her palace atop a rainbow over the clouds and B) can we just get over breastfeeding already? That's why breasts exist. More importantly, though, Kim's charitable donations to that "church" she speaks of is a "church" her mother founded. Can

Over at Buzz they have her ramblings about Paul Walker and Elisa Lam, apparently both were ritualistically killed and she has proof and it will literally BLOW YOUR MIND....what I really want to know is if she still snorts ambien, cause that could 'splain a thing or two