
With recent nuclear fears some potassium iodide tablets couldn’t hurt to have around.

It is like, an entire basement full of wheat. I don’t think the barrels are airtight. They are in no way equipped to hand grind this stuff. It’s all very strange.

They also are afraid of government oversight and the feds having “all their info” but willingly installed IoT everything in their home, including cameras in

My friends ultra-libertarian parents stocked their basement with wheat for the impending apocalypse and it’s about the stupidest fucking thing I’ve ever heard.

This non-parent-but-daughter-of-a-man-who-made-me-and-my-brother-his-entire-emotional-support-system EMPHATICALLY agrees.

That letter is fantastic, my favorite sentence was “I see your gaslight and now raise you a scorched earth.” Bring. It. Amber.

I’m still thinking about the hella cute baby they had in the dream sequence. We needed more babby and less of the inappropriate-for-LA sweater. Plus Lawrence was wearing said baby...SWOON!

I feel like the should scrap the whole cast

that also my biggest revelation from this recap.

That’s what I was just thinking. In every photo, Ben looks EXHAUSTED. How are you THAT exhausted all the time?

“...because that is my job as a social media influencer” is hereby the precise utterance that concludes my participation on Earth.

Not to be too cynical but of course she does. It matters to her ability to get roles that she continue to look dewy and lovely. Ben can gain weight and get haggard and grey and he’ll still get cast.

I had to look up who she was. I was surprised to learn that she isn’t an athlete, because her legs look like they have seen some shit.

They look...tired. Jennifer Gardener looks quite dewy by comparison.

Is there any situation that a car dealership can’t make worse with its avaricious greed and lack of regard for anything other than profitability?

By doing what exactly? Being the most qualified person to ever run for office but also having a vagina?

One other factor in her loss.... the election was stolen. Not only did we have Comey’s announcement and constant fake news online but hundreds of thousands of likely democratic votes were thrown away in key states and many states made it more difficult for students, urbanites and minorities to vote as soon as the

I just have to share with someone that last night I went to a burlesque show (my third), and it was David Lynch-themed, and it was amazing.

My slow-as-hell, very much a WIP giant embroidery hoop! I’ll be glad as fuck when this thing is done. (but also kind of loving working on it)

I don’t understand why the sex/body positive discussion is so polarizing. Most of the discussion is either “stop being a naked whore, you naked whore” or “how dare you criticize the sex industry because all the women want to be there.” I just find it baffling that there is no nuance in this discussions.

only vaguely related to the story... but my daughter had a bunch of boys sniggering at her the other day for picking up tampons... being 15 that obviously upset her somewhat...