
Okay, I feel horrible for saying this, but doesn’t the header picture make her look a lot like Ted Cruz? Or am I tripping?

Wow fuck you.

Ew, gross. Now if it was a 40-year-old dude and three hot young chicks—you’ve got every movie ever made.

Stop getting invested in fake realities and live your life in a meaningful and fulfilling way.

To be fair, he does have a great voice.

I tried to listen, thinking it would be fascinating, but the only thing he’s fascinated with is the sound of his own voice.

Yeah, she, at 36, should be ashamed of herself that she’s not as fresh faced as a 16 year old.

Anyone can have a podcast. That’s why there are so fucking many of them.

Me re: Alec Baldwin

It’s like tan being considered a sign of lower-class menial workers — and therefore unattractive. Until Coco Chanel began sunning on her yacht, and then instantly it became a sign of wealth and prestige.

This was part of my thought. I’ve been an apartment dweller for many years now, and not having a yard means you don’t get to garden. I actually enjoy gardening — finding plants that I love, growing them, and so on. I have a small balcony (that I don’t have the money right now to situate with larger planters and the

I got laid off six years ago and moved in with my parents and one of the things I ended up doing was watering the plants in their yard every night after dinner and eventually got an ivy plant for my room. It sounds stupid, but it gave me something to do and a small sense of purpose in the wake of job loss.

They are probably all growing their own avocado trees so they can disrupt the avocado toast industry and crash the one growth area they created, devious little fuckers.


I am getting so anxious watching that. She’s already failed a standard field sobriety test.

This is a very important issue. I’ve felt like this for years now.

Not a high-fashion thing, but I feel like clothing from many major retailers right now is (similar to current walk style) pretty boring. I’m having a tough time finding anything I am excited about wearing. I walked into Top Shop and turned right around to head back out because none of it was for me.

Is it possible this girl called him a fucking idiot for referring to her as a “young man” and not anything to do with it being infowars?