
Ray Lewis is human garbage.

Is anyone else kind of disappointed that she didn’t get the typical Old Hollywood Vanity Fair treatment on the cover?

Unpopular opinion: George Clooney is not all that handsome and seems like a complete dick with his love of practical jokes. And now this pear-shaped, potato-faced wang—who everyone inexplicably insists is the ultimate catch—is calling his son a “thug” and his daughter “elegant”? George Clooney sucks, people.

Odds are you were born with two dough hook substitutes attached to your wrists. Maybe more, if you grew up around that chemical plant in Houston. :)

Congratulations Peggy- probably the only person in the world right now to be happy to return home to America

SPACE Y’ALL! SPAAAAACE! I recently watched this documentary about the Voyager spacecrafts (that have been out there for 40 years now and became the first manmade objects to leave our solar system a few years ago) and it was one of the best things I have ever seen. So incredibly moving, and so informative too.

I want to live in a world where Peggy Whitson is the biggest celebrity in America, which she deserves to be.

Beyond amazing! Meanwhile I’m over here like I DON’T WANNA MOW THE LAWN!

Hotels charge hundreds of dollars a night for a room and we’re supposed to supplement their staff’s wages on top of that? Actually, they’re incentivizing us to not even use the service by offering points for not using housekeeping services at all. Which I find additionally mean to their employees (hey you get to work

I was kicked out at 16. I wish that someone had phrased it that way at the time because I didn’t actually cut my family off until I was 33 and they managed to fuck me up even more in the intervening years. Teach him life skills.

Girl get thee a fan!

As someone in a remarkably similar situation (lawyer, not actress, and 30 pounds, not 10😭), my advice to you is make a conscious effort to know when you’re beating yourself up (for letting things go, for taking awhile to get back in charge) and MAKE YOURSELF STOP. I realized about a year ago that I literally had

Isn’t.....wasn’t it just Burning Man? Is it always Burning Man? I’m scared that Burning Man will someday demand me. The whole thing looks hot and annoying and exhausting. I never want to be ripped into the dimension where this takes place, it seems they’d frown upon wearing lounge pants, drinking tea, and watching ER

Oooo yes, after my long stretch of depression I started working on a body of work that didnt sell for 2 years. I stuck with it and its now developed into a really successful series. Ive fallen into the trap of trying things out to see if people respond and abandoning it if no one did. That instant gratification felt

The best thing you can do is just get back out there again- start submitting yourself to agents, start auditioning, take a class, write emails to whatever contacts you have in the business saying you’re back from your hiatus and looking for roles. I know right now it feels like you’ve lost too much ground and wasted

You have nothing to be embarrassed about. Depression is a struggle, and the fact you are now in a place where you feel better is wonderful. A good therapist who is supportive and understanding, but also doesn’t coddle you, can be great. I’ve been suffering from depression for a decade now, and it’s hard, in ways you

Yeah, that was a weird comment. Needing to regroup is pretty common and getting to do it back home is lucky not shameful. Enjoy it, parents don’t live forever and you never know where the next part of your life will take you.

Please, do NOT feel embarrassed... Today I realized I’m still working out of a ten year depression (so far). I understand the fear of backsliding, because I’m going through a rough patch and it feels like I’m losing ground, and that is terrifying.

I’m glad to hear you’re through it, but I totally understand the jumble of feelings and fear that come after a long bout of depression. I either have cyclical major depression with mood instability or bipolar type 2 (none of my Drs/therapists/psychiatrists have ever seemed to be able to decide as far as I’m aware).

My only advice is to be relentless with your passion; Send your availabilities to as many reps as possible and be confident in your abilities. Regardless of what you may consider to be your strengths in your field of work, I would advise anyone to be open to any opportunity if only for the sake of a new experience. I