
But the burden isn’t plausible deniability (i.e. the hurdle of a criminal trial), but much closer to the 50-50 that you see in a civil trial. So I read this and I see no way the police could bring legal charges (since you can’t remove reasonable doubt with this evidence). But when I look at this I see that Elliot

What in the holy fuck is a Stormi Bree?!?!? And people talk shit about our names...yeesh!!!

Long, long history of that in Hollywood. Huge numbers of actors had to change their names to get famous, both for racist reason (their name was very “ethnic” and Hollywood hates that) or because their name was hard to pronounce. For example, for Jews, you’ve got Marilyn Monroe = Norma Jean Mortensen, Kirk Douglas =

And its horrible she had to change her fucking name. GEESH.

I wish it was not this way, that we could put timely political stories in front of people without having to sell products that have the potential to undermine women and girls’ self esteem by making them feel less-than. But since this is the world we live in, I can’t even get mad about this.

“When asked why they should pay up the monk simply said “because I’m worth it”.”

Since I’m now blind, evidently not.

The middle aged might be aggressive assholes sometimes, but in my experience it are the retirees that I need to be the most cautious around. Babyboomers and beyond. They’ve got less spatial awareness combined with (in case of the babyboomers, not the octogenarians) a huge sense of entitlement.

Any church or other religious organization that is physically capable of offering shelter during a disaster and doesn’t should have its tax-free status automatically revoked. They should have to pay taxes like any other business until they can prove their charitable value to the community.

Came here for this. Getting sick of his insipid nonsense but I do like how most articles on here have less than 10 comments.

Better idea:

If I learned anything from the 2016 election it’s that they do, sybann. They do.

Now I’m moving. Fuck you all. Seriously. I may be able to outlast 45 and his disgusting family but there is no way in hell this bunch of climbing bougie assholes represents this country.

Eh. I liked seeing his butt. It’s a nice butt.

Man if only there were some sort of subrerranian public transit option that can shuttle hundreds of people at a time, and has been around for a hundred years...

It’s not about reducing traffic on whatever highway, it’s about reducing traffic for whoever can afford it.

I don’t know why people care!!

You fight your battles, I’ll fight mine

I’ve told my family and everyone about my infertility issues. Yet still, a few weeks ago my MIL said “there’s something going on in your belly, I can see it!” It took everything in me to not to say “Yeah, a miscarriage.” It was two days after I got back from the hospital.