
Leslie Jones is single, which is a travesty.

Yeah, this pretty much sums it up. Also, I’m assuming that witnessing her parents relationship taught and conditioned her to stay in a dysfunctional and unhealthy relationship even if it was just to keep up appearances. Just like her and Jay, her father handled the business end of things while her mother was the

He looks like Benedict Cumberbatch mated with a fruit bat.

The “hot convict” is being untrustworthy? Color me shocked!

Took for my child to be born

Zillow has no legal rights (or copyright) to home pictures. They’re broadcast from the MLS in that state/county/area and supplied by homeowners or the Realtors representing them. This is total bully bullshit. Additionally, satire/humor is protected from copyright crap like this.

Why wouldn’t a COFFEE shop not have a goddamn public bathroom? Coffee makes you pee/poop. Do you want people to poop on the floor of your coffee shop?

So he’s fucking up nature by putting cars in it where all the shit that was in them can poison the forest. Kay.

It would be awesome if one day this particular section of property was opened up to the respectful public to wander around.

I hate everyone!!

Probably the lamest murder attempt ever caught on video. Killing a motorcyclist with an automobile should be like shooting fish in a barrel. But no, this guy manages to screw it up in spectacular fashion.

well, if nothing else, it explains why he doesn’t have kids.

Oh I know! This is the reason I am donating $50 to his campaign. If all of us who hate Ryan donated to his campaign he may still lose but he will give Ryan hell and I am willing to pay for that.

That’s cute. Paul Ryan can barely get in his daily P-90 workout in between all the special interest cock he sucks, but the Wisconsin GOP is pointing fingers.

Seeing Paul Ryan lose would be amazing.

TBH this is really what men think when they see it

IDK, perhaps it’s because they’re not a bunch of backward, hillbilly, redneck, southern folk who ask these sorts of things?

Took a Lyft Shuttle this morning (SF.) It was $o.25 more expensive than the bus, required 0.4 miles less of a walk, and I rode in a Prius and not on a plastic seat next to someone who may or may not be actively exorcising their own demons. I’d say it’s a win.