I swear to God, if we could figure out a way to monetize critical thinking, we might have something to combat the wave of woo that’s sweeping the nation.
whatever. She still won the popular slope.
My Katy Perry fatigue is at an all-time high.
Katy is sooooo fucking thirsty.
Totally bingeing White Collar right now. That is a pretty, pretty man.
One of the horrifying things is that a lot of teenagers are well aware that they have more or less a free pass to assault / mutilate / murder until they’re 18.
This motherfucker right here.
I LOVE your Mom.
Yup. Just a bunch of adults being adults. I’ve always admired people who can do that. Like Bruce and Demi.
Seriously. EVERYONE needs to look at how they demonstrate how to be adults. I love it. I am constantly amazed at how much venom my parents can come up with against each other if you say the other person’s name. I just want to scream, “Holy Crap, Mom! You’ve been divorced FOR ALMOST 40 YEARS! LET IT GO! YOU’RE BOTH…
forced her to eat his feces
Imagine being her kids. Oh hey - normal life? Never going to have that.
“I don’t have time to defrost... quick, drop these in a sous-vide for 2 hours!”
I think the rock is kind of adorable, but find Efron unattractive, like there’s so much effort there.
Agreed. Zac is blah, and Dwayne always looks like he’s about to burst out of his own skin.
I love Zac Efron because he’s nice to look at and seems like a good guy, but how many flops does he get to star in before Hollywood stops trying to make him a thing?
Turn it over, put some aluminum foil on it, it'll do if you run out of plates.