
I thought to myself, “These can’t possibly be all that bad.”

Alive. I think the word you’re searching for is alive.

I just realized who it reminds me of - Data from Star Trek.

I think you can bring a car if you register it as a sculpture.

I’m not even an old but I just don’t understand burning man

Affleck has a movie coming out is what it means. Look at those kids: relaxed, smiling, totally unaware of the paps given notice to cover their counselling session. Clearly, they deserve any acting awards they receive.

I HATE IT. Sorry to shout but I really do.

Nope. Definitely not. Also, the giant blank space to the left is killing me.

Can we talk about this font? I know this is part of the new, nicer GM, but I feel like I’m looking at a cheerleader’s pep rally poster. Am I alone?

So my partner and I have really good sex. And don’t you ever dare tell him that I said this but the best sex I ever had was with a pizza delivery guy.

Your parents. <3

Thats so hard. I think it should be a law that periods dont happen until age 13. Maybe 14.

Not real school per se, but it’s the closest story I have:

This happened in the first 2 weeks of school, but I was in Grade 9 at a new school and I was wearing a skirt and knee high boots bc that’s obvs proper school attire. Well, it had been raining out so the floors were slippery and I was in the front hall (which was pretty big and open) where at least 100 students were

Macabre little monsters

I used to teach elementary art in a really low-income school district near Denver. One student, Franklin, was a third-grader who was homeless and living in a car with his mother at the time. The district and social services were aware and helping as much as possible, but mom was hard to work with due to some ongoing

Girls are vicious as hell.

When I was in third grade I started school a week late because my family was in Europe. When I got back I thought all my friends would be excited to see me but instead I found out that someone had started a rumor I had died.