
@djscruffy: I think if I became Dr. Manhattan I wouldn't give a shit about clothes, or much of anything at all, anymore.

I am now going to refer to my husband only as a "Meat Chemist."

Captcha boxes make me question my humanity because I can't friggin' read them half of the time.

The saddest thing about this is that I'm moving to practically the whitest city listed here (Portland) and it's still far more diverse than my current location (the Ozarks).

There isn't a thing about this I don't like.

It seems like the concept would be more successful if the body was a USB hub and the arms and legs were individual USB sticks.

I loved my roomba when I first got it, but the battery crapped out in less than a year and a replacement battery costs the same as a half-decent push vacuum. So we haven't gotten a replacement yet.

Blockbuster was always a lesson in futility for me, as they rarely ever had the movies (especially older movies) that I wanted to watch.

I can feel my heart exploding from here. From both desire and caffeine overload.

@Return of DaOtter: All the free bagels in the world cannot make years of idle chit chat, office politics, and petty infighting seem appealing.

@Makidian: I couldn't agree more. This planet is full of so much crazy bullcrap that I don't think I'll ever get bored with it.

After owning a Playstation for years I still get the button symbols mixed up, mostly circle and square, but I always think that the X button is the bottom one.

There's nothing here that convinces me that working at an office is better than working from home.

These are all amazing. I keep thinking I'll get tired of seeing modern things remade to look like they were made earlier but turns out that is something I never get tired of.

Oh my god.

@thecman: However we now belong to a small generation of people who can identify the A-drive crunchy sound and the dail-up modem screech. People just a few years younger than me have no idea what a modem used to sound like, it's a strange thought to me for some reason.

I didn't get nostalgic until I noticed the .wav player on that first picture. Oh, memories.

If I were to commit a crime, I hope that crime is mischief.

And I'm sure the bored, ungrateful little kid who brought their DS to the friggin' Zoo wouldn't shut up about how that dumb gorilla got slobber all over his precious Nintendo.

@stifflittlefinger: I would assume it would get more attention when something actually happens. It seems a little premature to get up in arms about something that's little more than a rumor right now.