
Apple runs on MPAA rules it seems. Vague and confusing guidelines, ability to nix something and give no solid reason why, when a similar app that made it through the store okay is pointed out, Apple says they can't talk about it, and the app lives or dies by Apple's ruling.

This toy is terrible, although I am getting a kick out of all the people screaming about spoilers. The thing came out in June guys, if you are so concerned about spoilers that an out-of-context post about a toy based off a scene in a movie will make you scream and rage, maybe you should have seen it already.

@SgtGrimm: I have a PowerBook G4 12 inch mac too! It's beat all to hell and I dropped it on it's corner once so now the fan makes a click click clicking sound, the battery doesn't come out very easily, and it scratches up CDs, but I still love the dang thing. It was my first mac. It's a survivor.

@origamiguy: I would think that maybe if you were so concerned about spoilers maybe you would have seen it by now.

@jdawg183: The more we discover and learn about how our planet existed in the past the better understanding we'll have of it now. Sure this specific thing might seem trivial out of context, but it's just a small piece in a bigger puzzle to fully understand what happened to life on our planet to get it to the point it

@ktbug1373: Next they'll be telling me the loch ness monster ISN'T an extant plesiosaur.

@Kemal Kautsar: Eh, she doesn't have to agree. In 15 or however many movies she's never grown those other two horns. She's gotta be a protoceratops.

@jdawg183: Because they're giant death monsters that used to live here?

Oh no! It's the apatasaurus all over again! What has science done!

@SqueakyPlatypus: Then you, sir, are attractive to me. You handsome skydiving lumberjack rogue. Make me a patio.

@evildead1971: I dunno man, Jane Goodall was pretty hot.

Oh lawd I just got nostalgic for Sierra and Lucasarts right there. These are gorgeous. I keep waiting in hope for the mass return of point and click adventure games.

@Evil Tortie's Mom: R.O.A.C.H.: And at the same time, women know that men who smell like Old Spice would not only make good husbands and fathers, but good sky diving lumberjack carpenters as well.

@BingleyJoe: Yes. I don't really see a use for this without a few more features added, like a stylus.

@prometeum: I thought boxsprings were the things with the wooden sides that you put a regular mattress on top of?

@Divine-Shadow: oh lord are people really claiming WIFI allergies?

@FurySamurai72: That is both ruthless and funny. Hopefully the poor schmo that bought that box has learned a lesson about reading before buying.

So playing Demoman in TF2 i s an authentic POV experience? Good to know.

@octasquid: One of my favorites was "Odin is God: Read Mighty Thor #5"

@jesbelle: Yeah the name "Westboro Baptist Church" would make you think that they are, you know, a Baptist church, but the Baptists are very quick to go "these guys are trippin' balls."