
@jesbelle: People mistake the WBC as just another evangelical right-wing religious group, when even those crazy right-wing evangelical groups will be the first people to go "Hey now we have nothing to do with these wing-nuts." The WBC is a cult and obeys no logic.

@Redraobyek: I don't know, I feel like for situations like these ignoring them gives them more power. They become a sort of elephant in the room, everybody pretending to ignore them but they're still there.

Space is big. Really big. You just won't believe how vastly hugely mindbogglingly big it is. I mean you may think it’s a long way down the road to the chemist, but that’s just peanuts to space.

@king_saberhawk: There are a couple photos of the Westboro protest on the Comics Alliance report, it looks like they were just carrying on, business as usual, though.

I'm crushing out on all these guys. Thank you for this, Geek Prom. Lovin' the Hypno-toad sign and TF2 Spy.

@AndrosZ: Screw that, I want a Peoplemover movie.

@Plague: These are my thoughts. The Haunted Mansion has been one of my favorite things since I was a tiny person, and I grew up with the vinyl record radio-play version of the Haunted Mansion story inexplicably starring Ron Howard.

The Haunted Mansion is one of my favorite things, so maybe del Toro can do something interesting with the material.

@kerplaw: And we know enough about "blocking" programs to know they don't do diddly squat and anyone who wants to get around them will.

@DarqWolff: Yeah you'd think if you're gonna be bitchy about things like this maybe you should make sure you use the language correctly. You're a Fortune 500 company after all.

@bbeesley: People who complain about people who complain about people complaining about people who oh no I've gone cross-eyed.

People who are complaining about the people complaining about Comic Sans have obviously not been in contact with Serious Comic Sans Users in the wild before. Trust me guys, spend enough time in an office with the person who has their cubicle decorated wall to wall in Princess Bride posters, cat photos, and unicorn

@yantelope: Years and years of abuse at the hands of untrained personnel as an attempt to appear "fun" and "informal" have resulted in a horrible stigma attaching itself to the font. It's not so much comic sans itself but the sort of people that use it seriously that cause the negative reaction, and then that reaction

@kjf: Actually, it's a pretty terrible font for comic books, too. Using comic sans in a comic practically screams "I don't know what I'm doing and I couldn't be bothered to do any research before starting". It's clumsily put together, doesn't have the full compliment of characters (like breath marks), and the

@FlawedHero: The shock pages are good teaching tools, though.

I would imagine that my friends from high school that spent all day laughing at pictures from would enjoy this job.

MacPaint is the first computer game I ever played. Although I rather liked to play "Typing" too.

@Curves: Also the artsy fartsy types that spend all day cutting out crap. My hand never knew pain until it had to spend 4 hours cutting out stickers.