
@MedusaCascade: Oh god I was beginning to think that I was the only person in the world who thought this musical was completely flat. They took something that could have been weird and unique and made it as safe (and boring) as possible.

I'd be way more interested in a movie adaptation of the book rather than the musical, honestly.

I used to have a drawer full of half-dead batteries, but I honestly haven't used one since college. I didn't realize it was still topical to complain about batteries.

@BlackSmokeDMax: Dammit I scrolled down here specifically to say something about Andy Rooney only to be beaten to it.

@atombum: While that is the excuse most Americans make, it can only go so far. Both Canada and England fairly recently switched to the Metric system and they are doing fine. The problem here is that we keep giving half-hearted attempts at switching, but never really committing. Sure we'll throw mL on our food products

@PoG: Oh god. I will never be able to escape TV Tropes.

@Darken Rahl: My dad would always go to websites by clicking "file - open location" and typing in the address that way and hitting enter. When I told him to just type the address in the address bar he told me that his way worked better. And he was the "tech guy" of our family.

Hah, I have seen the exact opposite. I can't tell you how many times I've seen a man break some piece of technology because he thought "well it didn't work the first time, I'll just use brute force until it does." So many broken DVD cases. So many broken keyboards (because of course if something doesn't work when you

This is an amazing movie review. It almost makes me want to see this movie.

@Pope Nick: "You don't need to win to enjoy the sport."

@Kynes: This also confuses me. I understand the "all part of the game" argument when talking about non-goal things like bad calls or fake injuries (heck, that's half the reason I love hockey!), but this is a game that is frequently won or lost by just one goal, and I think it's important for the goals to be accurate.

I think I'm okay as long as the bad goal calls get fixed. Other bad calls can be construed as "part of the game", like the fake injuries, but when you are in a sport where the score is frequently 1–0, it is important to make sure that goals are counted (or not counted) fairly.

@Luziphir: Fair enough, but we don't go around calling people with pacemakers, knee or vertebrae replacements, or any of the other multitude of plastic or metal bits that doctors have been sticking in people for years bionic.

The perfect thing to class up that trailer park.

@KryptonZero: Oh goodness the same thing has happened to me several times. Nothing gives me buyer's remorse worse than accidentally buying a fullscreen version of a movie.

@devin.rubinsky: Oh god I am glad I am not the only person annoyed by this. My husband's parents do this, especially during sports events. Nobody can read the scores!

I severely dislike watching formatted "fullscreen" movies. There's always one or two scenes that has relevant action happening on both sides of the screen, and to make sure that the viewer sees all the elements they force in a fake "camera" pan from one side to the other in a really jarring, unnatural way. It's

@dragonfang18: Hymens are farther back then you'd think. Plus, many women break them without losing their virginity (falling on a balance beam, for example). I think if you were worried enough about rape to consider something like this, maybe you wouldn't care too much about your hymen.