
Wow I've been accidentally tying my shoes the "right" way forever and never knew it. I thought everybody tied shoes that way.

I think if this were my brain it would just be "15 hours on a computer".

I work while reclining all the time!

I would much rather see District 9 in the top position. Avatar's main focus is it's ground-breaking special effects, but District 9 had amazing special effects too, perhaps even more amazing than Avatar's because of the film's microscopic budget compared to Avatar's gigantic one.

@globalwild: I'll be okay with that. Waterworld was fun.

@Michael Gerberding: This is the reason I have such a fondness for Guillermo del Toro films like Mimic, Pan's Labyrinth, or the Hellboy films. My husband just assumed that the Sammael costume in Hellboy was a fully CG creation. It's amazing what can be done with physical effects these days, and it seems like a lot of

I've got a less uniform version of this on my wall, only instead of DA pictures they're full-page National Geographic pages from 50s-70s issues.

@tetracycloide: This right here. CGI today is like Photoshop in the hands of an early 90s comic book artist or synthesizers in the hands of 80s musicians. There's nothing wrong with the tools themselves, it's the people using them who get too obsessed with WHAT they can make instead of why they're making it.

@Cory Gross: One of the main reasons I've never gotten into DC is the daunting continuity (Marvel has this problem too, but I never had much interest in Marvel outside of X-Men). I love Batman, but all of the Batman books I have are self-contained one-offs or mini-series. I don't know if they should kill continuity

When I was in Jr. High I had a clear Tamagatchi, a Digimon, and a Pocket Pikachu. They all died. You'd think I would have realized that I sucked at virtual pets, but nope, I just kept buying them. #tamagochiid

@YankBoffin: Same here. I used to scour the creepy Donnie Darko website after I saw the movie and learned a lot more about the film that way. I liked Donnie Darko more than Southland Tales, but I would like to watch it again.

Vote: Twitteriffic

I've had good luck with various ferns (although when they lose leaves it is pretty messy).

@jessedybka: Thanks for explaining it. I keep reading "You'll save so much space NO YOU WON'T" arguments but nobody has said if you ACTUALLY will save space or if it's all because of the 2-10 switch.

This looks great, but I would have trouble doing this to records (for the same reason I have trouble doing any neat project that requires me to destroy books). I have a fondness for even the crappiest of records.

Aww, Hotmail. You were my very first email service. Got it at a summer camp when I took a class on "web design" in Jr. High. my website was a Tripod-hosted monstrosity with a black background filled to the brim with animated .gifs in a completely un-ironic way.

At last! They're bringing back Microsoft Bob!

Aw, but this takes away from the fun of spending an entire day dicking around with how you set up your room and moving everything around about four times before getting it right.

@cc82: Which is a shame. I would love to watch some Carnivale, Rome, Deadwood, and Flight of the Conchords.

@750: I'm discovering that most TV shows that aren't completely episodic are more enjoyable when you shotgun them.