It's amazing what strong acting and great FX can do to mediocre literature!
Awwww... Thanks, Uber, I needed some warm fuzzies today!
The pathological liar ex (I have posted about him before) and I had a relationship built entirely on dancing, fights and sex. It took me forever to understand that he was cheating on me, and I accepted his increasingly wild stories about his "friend" who was just "really emotionally fragile right now" and who I kept…
One of my exes was into medieval reenactment and at one point bought me a throwing axe, which I got to be pretty good at. When I dumped him, he went to my room and grabbed it, then fell to his knees baring his throat and offering it to me while begging me to "end it now." I laughed so hard I staggered backwards and…
The night my otherwise obscenely-affectionate-to-everyone dog went borderline Kujo (low growl, ears back, gaze locked) on a large drunk dude stumbling towards us down the street was secretly one of my prouder moments. While I know it's not foolproof, it would seem that the dude 'gets it' in terms of threatening…
i literally gasped when i saw this. and mallory's family is the best character, and so was that australian boy she had a crush on. also the mystery books were the best ones.
The feminist in me is chuckling at this. The comic book reader is flipping desks that realistically very little of this is accurate at all.
A nearby school held a vote a decade or so and became the Fighting Pterodactyls. They painted pterodactyls on their buses. I AM NOT KIDDING YOU.
They are. NPR did a really interesting series on tech investigations. Apparently, there's a wing at the Pentagon where half the people wear suits and the other half wear whatever the fuck they want. I would guess that's more of a population that hacked banks and government websites than leaking nudes, though. Along…
IT'S LOVELY OWL! MY FAV CELEBRITY! (If you have not seen this video, you need to watch it now:)
We did a Harry Potter party in college, and we "sorted" people by jello shot. So they would come in, and four people would gather around the "Sorting Hat," which was a witch hat placed on an ottoman, and we would spin the ottoman and lift the hat, and whatever color jello shot was in front of you was your house. …
Several years back I was homeless in San Francisco. I could often find friends to stay with, but not every night. The night of this tale I was trying to sleep in the park, and to help me sleep and forget about my shitty predicament I had bought a big jug of Carlo Rossi. Around midnight I'm good and sloshed, but still…