
I like the response to this meme from Tumblr user "martianmanboobies" (lulz):

The sad thing is, you wouldn't. You think you would. You'd dream, fantasize, hope... But you wouldn't. Instead you learn how to live with the aftermath. You hope for whatever justice there is to be meted out. But you'd play by the rules. Because that's what good people do, even when they don't want to.

Usually obesity shit gets my panties all in a bunch on this site, but something about this struck me as hilarious. I just have this mental image of myself walking around with a shock collar on. OOH DORITOS *shock*. OOH TWINKIES *shock*.

Okay, I had to log in specifically to help you out here, bless your heart.

It's incredible to me that these guys can run around for the better part of 90 minutes and still come off the pitch looking dewey like a freshly spritzed super model.

I'm sure there are uglier dresses than this one, but who the hell wants to walk down the aisle looking like a bedazzled clove of garlic?

This comes up when you Google "Tom Hiddleston kitten," guys:

My little old man Pomeranian agrees with you 1000%.

These corgs may be cute, but are they as cute as my corgi wearing a flower crown? I don't think so. Corgi's 4 lyfe. (they are cute though)

Oh, you'd be surprised. My greatest cast member skill so far is learning to say the most sarcastic things with a Disney princess voice and a great big smile. PEOPLE DON'T CATCH ON.

This one took my breath away: Hmm...not allowing specific links. Let's try again:

Categorisation is not the enemy... As long as we are in control of our own categorisation.

OK, how do I get my hands on some of these?!?! Why can't US stamps be so sexay?! UGH. I love it.

You know what? This is totally how Tom Haverford would get married. This looks like an extra straight out of Parks and Rec.

I think if you eat enough triple baconators, you just BECOME your own small country. #fatshaming

She's not going to like how the book ends.

One of the many reasons why Ben and Leslie are in the top 10 of fictional couples of all time.

It wasn't too late on the West Coast!

Shewwww. Givin me the vapors.
