
This kid is amazing. We all loathe Joffrey, sure, but that's only because Jack is such an incredibly talented young actor. He's a master at conveying simultaneous cold, brutal psychopathy and sneering, whining childishness and fear. I love him enough to already miss him on GoT after his inevitable killing-off.

In order to not be a slut at all, at age 28, you can have had, at most: 3 sex partners, 5 kissing partners, and 5 oral sex partners.

Here is your favorite #tbt ever, courtesy of the First Lady of the United States of America.

Leftover Mac and Cheese is delicious. I volunteer to be this specific leftover.

Reading his statement I was all, like this.

I just went last weekend! DISNEYLAND IS THE BEST! No one will ever change my mind!!! AHHHH!!!!

I don't have imaginary friends in the traditional sense but there is literally CONSTANTLY imaginative scenarios taking place in my head. Even when working. Even when out talking with people. It's like there's a parallel universe that exists in my head. I used to be worried/ashamed about it until I read that one of

Actual plot of the season finale: manic pixie dream girl exists for no purpose but to sacrifice herself for the Doctor throughout time and space.

I tend to have very intense vivid dreams——good and bad——when I am working through something important. The approach that I've found most helpful is to treat each person in the dream as a facet of yourself. Is there a relationship or issue happening in your life now, or that has recently happened, that is bringing up a

Yes - nightmares have been an ongoing issue in my life, to the point that I've sought professional help for them. The little mantra I like to repeat to myself is "the emotions were real, the dream was not." Dreams are a random assortment of images that your brain comes up while sorting through things - I like to think

Hot chocolate and one of my Tried And True books - the really engaging and funny ones. If I'm not too jittery I'll cuddle with my cat, but sometimes that's not an option for me. The goal is to get myself out of my head and distracted until I calm down.

Christ on a cracker.

At first I thought you meant, like, he drank too much water. I was like, wow, you play hard to fucking get.

I refuse to punish myself because cavemen were too stupid to figure out carbs.

"People who desperately try to stifle progress are usually defending their own supremacy."

Well, add Huckabee to the long, long list of bigots who can't give me one single good reason why gay marriage is any of their damn business. Ask them how it impacts their god-fearin' hetero marriage and they'll blather on vaguely about history, tradition, the bible, etc. etc. GIVE ME ONE GOOD REASON WHY IT ACTUALLY

It should make you incoherently angry. It should. Education is an investment in the future. They don't want it to be all government, fine. Ask people to share some of the burden but the burden has totally shifted to the shoulders of those too young to pay to the detriment of the country. this is not right.

I don't like to insult a stranger's family, but I think your cousin might be a dick.

I would ask your cousin, what generation he fits into exactly in the Jack Donagy explanation of why immigration and diversity is essential:

He told you it was irrelevant? And he's in grad school, being that fucking stupid? His parents paid for his college and bought him a house, and he's complaining about other people wanting assistance? I just-I... WHAT. WHAT WHAT.