
What is this even trying to say or do? Eurgh.

and a HEARTY DASH of "nope, not buying it."

Oh, me too!

Hmm, well, I do basic foot care, but I really don't like my feet.

My dad used to work for Disney, so my formative years were spent wandering around the place on random evenings throughout the week/weekend. On my birthday, he'd take me out of school early so we could go to Disneyland. I associate that place with him and with my childhood and magic and wonder - so, yes, I may have an

My late night thoughts took a turn for the worst. I needed this adorable husky puppy singing.


haha yep! For some reason, I tend to get asked for directions a lot - never in the city where I live or my hometown but in the cities where I'm visiting (and, more often than not, lost). It's kind of hilarious.

I see you may go to NYC. It's awesome - have fun.

/happy sigh.


Basically, every time I see something from Moffat - an interview, a quote, a new Doctor Who episode that exceeds my expectations for how sexist the man can be - I think of this:

Really?! All I've ever seen is that one quote - but never read it like that. Is there context that you've seen that makes it so much better? (And by better, I mean, even more sexist and tiring and rage-inducing.)

I'm exactly like you. It took me ages to watch Amy's and Rory's departure because I was just so fed up with the sexist garbage that it had become.

You're welcome. I just didn't want to trigger or upset anyone since the details were pretty upsetting. I'm so sorry you experienced something that would cause night terrors (I used to get those as a kid, and I still remember how awful they were), but it's great that you have tricks that work for you.

TRIGGER WARNING (dreams about an abusive relationship)


Is one's ability to weather a hangover dictated by genetics? Because neither of my parents suffer from hangovers. It's freaky.

I got in trouble with my high school because I used (clean) condoms in an art project. All but one condom was still in their little foil packets. The last one, I'd unwrapped and painted pretty patterns onto for reasons that I can't remember.

Oh, it was infuriating to me even when I was a Christian.