
Okay, GOP, really? Really? You're going to pick on this competent woman's age now? REALLY? The party of old white men who very literally want to take us back to the dark ages in terms of women's reproductive health and choices? The party that waxes poetic about women being housewives and domestic mavens? REALLY NOW.

Wait wait wait, now even loans are begrudged? But that doesn't make's all eventually going to be paid back, with interest. How on earth is that mooching?

I know! I was like...DOES. NOT. COMPUTE.

And some people think that it's so simple and easy to go to college - it's not when you don't have the money or have to work several jobs just to keep up.

Perry is such an insider that he accomplishes a lot for his base through back channels and the intimidation that goes with that.

How lovely. What a cool casual personal event. :)

That's gorgeous!

Oh. I really, really like that advice.

I have a fear of driving too. I don't drive, and I have no plans to learn in the near future.

This made me feel so much better after the Rhino Extinction story.

MISANDRY! MAN HATER! Proof that feminists just want to castrate all teh menz!

There's a documentary on Netflix called Shelter Me - and they profiled a program similar to this in a women's prison. It's pretty amazing. I felt all the feelings.

Cue the people who say they were asking for it in 3...2...

The fact that Imaginary Well-Dressed Toddler Daughter is named QUINOA made me die with laughter. I'm typing this from beyond the grave.

Oh, absolutely and totally me too. It's hard to break away from the church as a born-and-raised Evangelical, but I did it because I couldn't rationalize/justify what the church was telling me and what I personally had come to believe deeply and wholeheartedly. I wrestled with that question "How can Christ's love so

That is a fully amazing tradition! Ahhh - I want cookies now!

That's gross. But also kind of hilarious.

Oh, for sure. I had to laugh at the "Weddings are for making money for your future!" response because, honestly? That's kind of how my family sees it - in fact, I'm pretty sure my mom said something similar to me when I was a kid - but it's one of those "goes without saying because tradition" kind of things...and you

Actually, I've seen this happen plenty. At my Mexican friend's uncle's wedding, they did a traditional money dance, where bride and groom were essentially paid to dance with each guest for a few moments - it was kinda nice, because they did get some monetary benefit either to help pay for the wedding or for the house