One afternoon while we were shopping at Costco, I told my mom and grandpa "If/when I get married, a KitchenAid stand mixer is going to be the first thing on my registry."
I maybe just cooed "Awww, who's a chic little puppyyyy" to my computer. I want to give him a kiss right on the top of his little head.
"Fabio dear" cracked me the fuck up at my desk. I'm honest-to-goodness cackling.
Well, if someone's face had to kill a bird, at least it was Fabio's...he looks pretty calm (if a little bemused) for just having, y'know, smashed facefirst into a bird.
My dad used to play this game with me: he'd tell me to do a chore or something, and I'd go to do it...only to find a gift.
Oh, I'm so sorry! Let yourself feel sad and angry. Let yourself cry. Mostly, though, let yourself remember the good times with your cat.
Oh man, I know my mom genuinely wants the best for me - and somehow that's me falling into a narrow spectrum of "attractiveness."
I don't know, but I often feel like pinching myself to make sure I'm not in some fever dream. I'm still not entirely sure it's not...
Ah, I've been doing kickbacks, which feel pretty good, but I'll have to try your suggestion too - how does it feel for your back? (Like, what parts of your back does it seem to help?)
Thank you! It really is great.
Oh! I love yoga, but I've never heard of power yoga. What does it entail?
That sounds amazing. Are you making it with fresh apricots?
I've been working out at the gym in my office, guys! It's awesome. We have a certified trainer, who helped me work out a fitness plan based on my goals and what I want. I feel like I have more energy and like I'm just overall more confident about myself! For once, I look forward to working out.
HA! I posted the video. Great minds think alike.
This guy I met at a party did this exact thing...probably because he couldn't find my Facebook or any of my other social media. I was already creeped out by him and that was the nail in the coffin. Like, why? No. If I'm not texting you back and you don't have any other means of contacting me, that probably means I…