
That had me chuckling at my desk for some reason.

haha I've only seen random clips that Jez put up...but I can only imagine.

Off topic: I really really like that picture of them! They all look pleased as punch, it's adorable (well, except Sugar Bear, who looks a little uncomfortable).

Wow, he has such a beautiful voice. I teared up listening to him singing.

So assembling office furniture (which is what Alex Footman did as part of his "internship") is a "class environment"? How is that supposed to help him learn anything to do with being a film producer - or even how a film production works? He learned how to work the coffee machine. Hooray. He now knows how to get coffee

It's attitudes like yours that perpetuate unpaid internships. So...young people should just be grateful for the opportunity, even as they struggle with student loans and paying rent and buying food for themselves? Employers shouldn't feel the need to offer a livelihood just because they're offering an opportunity?

Yeah, I scuba dive off the coast of California occasionally, usually in the late spring/early summer, when all the young'uns were starting to explore on their own. They were super curious and seem to have this attitude of "oh, hey, weird slow-moving creatures, let's playyyyy". I was knocked into a patch of kelp by

I really really hate how accurate this is. Particularly the part about "panicking and feeling bad because you made him come all this way but not really because you didn't promise anything" - because I have done that. And I felt kind of bad...until he tried to stick his tongue down my throat without asking me and

I was already getting kinda (okay, a lot) teary-eyed from the video...then your comment brought it over the top and now I've got something in my eye.

That sound you just heard was me exploding from jealousy.


Wait, really?

He is SMOKIN' here. I mean, he's usually smokin' but this is like smoke-signals-to-space levels.

I'm only halfway through this video and, note, have never watched this show and...I'm really annoyed by the waste portrayed here. It's hard to act while eating so I kind of understand the avoidance of having actresses eat*, but there's so much needless waste being portrayed here. Do people really go around throwing

I google'd it for you because I was curious. No, it wasn't Olivia Wilde - it was Olivia Munn - and yes, it was meant for Chris Pine. Gawker wrote a thing about it last year.

I saw this video of him on Ellen and melted. M-E-L-T-E-D. He does seem rather smart and sweet.


When Star Trek 2009 came out, I thought he was cute but not my cuppa tea.

hahaha Here's mine:

Chris Pine with facial hair (the streaks of grey *fans self*) is Hottie McHot. And he seems rather sweet and intelligent.