I laughed for a good five minutes at this photo. Poor adorable fluffy butt!
ha! I was watching the GoT episode with Sam and Gilly fleeing through the ice. The baby had a bare head (in ice and snow!) and I "tsk-ed" aloud and thought "he should have a hat, or she should cover his damn head, the poor thing" which is something my mother does and used to make me roll my eyes.
Same. It actually kind of scares me because there's so much about my dad that I can't stand...and I find myself becoming very much like him. Don't get me wrong, my dad's pretty awesome in lots of ways - but he's also not-so-awesome in others.
I tried it last night because I had some time to kill. It was lovely. My skin's been feeling really dry, and after the scrub (combined with my normal face wash and moisturizer), it felt soft and smooth again!
(First, awesome username!)
Oh my goodness, I grew up in Southern California and went to school ten minutes away from a beach...and I really really don't like the beach. It's wasted on me. I love love love the ocean (hello scuba diving), but the sand? UGH. It's everywhere. My solution?
haha I'm incredibly introverted and have a bit of social anxiety, so it seems harder for me (compared to others) to talk to people I don't know. Talking to people is Hard.
I think I need a facial scrub...and I have all those ingredients in your brown sugar one! What were the proportions you used?
I used to feel really awkward going by myself. Until nobody wanted to see Iron Man 3 with me and I finally said "screw it, I'll go by myself!" It was really nice. I didn't feel pressured to react, didn't have to answer anybody's questions, etc etc. I just focused on the movie.
I like those phrases, and I think I'm going to have to practice them. This is all so new to me that I end up just freezing and forgetting that it's okay to say no.
bahah. Kinda both, I guess. No to the ones I don't want...and yes to the ones I do. Bleh.
How do you say no? I mean, I know how to say no, but whenever a guy asks for my number - whether I'm interested or not, I feel unable to say no.
Jezzies. I may have been making some poor choices lately.
I scrolled down to the comments, saw yours, and -quite literally- whisper-screamed "AHH, BUNNY IN A GLASS!" My supervisor, who was walking over to tell me something, laughed and said "I see you're working hard..."
I just got an amazing mental image of a bunch of geese hissing and pecking at Gropey McGroperson.
Hm, Bradley Cooper - maaayyyyybe.
According to ESPN's coverage, he got 3rd place twice after misspelling words of German origins. This time around, when there were only 3 spellers left, he got another German word and spelled it correctly. The audience was reacting to the fact that his winning word would, obviously, be another one of German origins.
My parents were so happy that I was finally trying to be a "normal" teenager (interested in a boy, going to prom with friends, etc etc) that they went as all out as I would let them. They bought me a dress, got my hair and makeup done, and helped me chip in for the stretch limo that my friends were getting. They even…
One more thing: don't constantly brag about alllll the cooooool things you're getting to do (especially if they're not actually cool).