
I'm not a big fan of winged insects (at all), but that Yellow Monday is practically adorable.

Oh no! I didn't even think about that...chiming in to ask: will they munch on the little herb garden I've started? I have basil, cilantro, parsley, rosemary, a bit of sage, and some thyme.

Damn, really?! I would kill to hear his performance.

It's a Serious Condition, guys.

Nothing but scorn and derision here, lady. Scorn and Derision.

Hm, well, Oyster Sauce is a staple for me - it doesn't really taste like oysters but it's delicious on steamed jiaozi - and you can't really go wrong with hoisin sauce (good with stir frys and stuff). This sauce makes one of my favorite beef or chicken dishes in the world, but I'll go ahead and warn you that it's a

When I cried to my mom about the lack of good Chinese food (and the inaccessibility of the authentic places in the suburbs because I don't have a car), she sent me a care package of the sauces that made up staples in our fridge. Including mapo doufu sauce. I'm slowly building up a pantry of Asian foodstuffs that one

Oh my god, jiaozi. Guotie. Shiao Long Bao...waaaant.

OH. MY. GOD. WHERE IS THIS PLACE AND WHEN CAN I GO. Fresh, hand-stretched noodles are basically the best things ever. EV. ER. Seriously.

Such a majestic creature.

I love it. So. Cute. I would dress like this all the live-long day, except that I have a love-hate relationship with button downs of that type: I love the look but hate with a burning passion that they gap open at the bust. If I get a size that fits the girls, the rest is way too big and shapeless and bleck. If I get

I love me some ballet flats because I'm tall too, but they offer no support for my arch-less duck feet. I recently discovered the joys (JOYS, I TELL YOU) of low wedges. I just bought these shoes, and they have a low wedge while still offering more support than ballet flats. (JCREW's CeCe flats are flats...but there's

Agreed. I think Meg Ryan (up until her lip injections) was at that magic spot of being -as you said - the woman every guy wanted to date and every woman wants to be...but she still felt real. Believable. Attainable, in a way - like, every guy could find a woman like her and every woman could see herself in her.

I'm quickly becoming the crazy lady who BEAMS at every dog she sees and says things like "Aww, hiii sweetie. Aren't you a cute doggie?" half to myself and half to the dog. Their owners usually side-eye me and shuffle their dogs along as fast as possible, while I, too, wish the leash would break and the dog would come

Yep. That happened to me this past week too! I had a panic attack at work because of Sudden Unexpected/Unwelcome Emotions!

I cannot sleep and this made me just SO HAPPY. Awesome.

Hello sleepy baby anteater, who's a cutie-pie? Who's a little cutie pie?

OMG - that dress is adorable. I love Scotty dogs.

As someone who Cannot Resist Newspaper Printed Items (no matter how hard I try -seriously, I bought a coffeetable book with Revolutionary War-era newspapers despite not having a coffeetable upon which to display it), I would buy that Newspaper-Cat dress in a heartbeat...

We were doing this Cajun musical version of Little Red Riding Hood - it was based off a children's book and called "Petite Rouge Riding Hood."