OH man. My drama memories were nowhere near as reality-tv-dramatic as yours but one of the worst was this:
OH man. My drama memories were nowhere near as reality-tv-dramatic as yours but one of the worst was this:
The point where I lost it?
No, no, that's good to know for my mental preparedness. As for where I am...the building where I work is newly built and there's still a ton of construction on the block leading up to it. Fun.
Urgh...the thought of getting a cicada caught in my hair is enough to give me nightmares. Tight buns it is!
Oh wait, nevermind. They're not due here in DC for another 4 years...I think.
Oh good god...I'm a semi-recent transplant to DC and I grew up in CA where the worst bugs I encountered were black widows and mosquito swarms when hiking in the mountains. Swarms of cicadas are not in my experience. I'm already apprehensive about the whole thing and now you've got me picturing mounds of dead/dying…
I too now want Oreos with a vicious ferocity...it's not in this week's grocery budget, but next week, they shall be mine!
This little girl is adorable and talented. And I hope she's enjoying being on the ice as much as I enjoyed watching her.
Purely anecdotal: my mother got my name from a hugely popular TV show in the 80s. She has never regretted it, not once.
My dad had little to no (real) say in my given name because my mother was so set on it. He loved her enough that he loved it too.
I just googled that cocktail...and I need it. Now.
The "dog in shoe" pairing has to be my favorite thing ever.
A Harry Potter themed party sounds like my idea of a grand ole time.
Your question reminds me of this article from the Atlantic.
I'd get into fights with my parents, storm into my room, and turn this on LOUD. Over-dramatic lip-synching while crying ensued.
Not only do I love that she managed to express her experiences in such a way that moves so gracefully from hilarious to "flinch-y and uncomfortable" but I also love that she was able to do so in a way that so many people - including myself - can relate to.
That's adorable! haha She was being helpful and (I hope) good-humored about it, rather than annoyed!
Semi-related: You know, I am 99% sure that I saw Queen Latifah at LAX as I went through security. I was staring off into space, looking nowhere in particular, when I saw her from the corner of my eye. I thought "huh, she looks familiar...but I'm pretty sure I didn't go to school with her...?" and proceeded to stare…